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Asmall click of the door jostles me awake, but I keep my eyes closed, praying he’ll go away. Praying he’ll leave me in peace for once. My heart races in anticipation of what Zayan’s going to do to me this time. Beat me? Drug me? Something new?

The pounding drowns out the noise, but it can’t do anything to stop the exhaustion aching through my muscles. I want to fight back, but I can’t anymore. On instinct, I spread my legs out for him. I want to get this over with, so he’ll leave.

My bare legs glide across an unfamiliar soft surface.What the hell?Did Zayan move me to a different bed?

Snapping my eyes open, I realize I’m not trapped with Zayan anymore. I’m at Marnix’s house, in his room, sleeping in his bed. My body instantly sags in relief from the reminder that I got away. This is the second time I’ve woken up thinking I was still trapped with him.

Will this ever end?

Will he ever get out of my head?

I might have escaped him physically, but he’s still got his claws in my mind. His games continue even without having to try.

I shake off the spiral I’m headed down and think about where I am. The silky sheets kiss my skin with each movement I make. It hurts like a bitch, but it’s a happy reminder that I’m safe now. I might be in a traitor’s home, but at least I'm not with the devil. I’m safer than I was. Once I’m healed enough, I can get away from here.

Away from Marnix.

Away from the pain I’m inevitably going to cause everyone.

I’m ready to fall back asleep, but hushed tones echo from outside the cracked door keeping me alert. Whoever it is, is trying to argue without me hearing. A few minutes pass before the bedroom door opens and the loyal little yellow dog that stayed by my side when I was running, bolts in and jumps on the bed beside me, covering my face with slobber. She’s hitting my bruises and cuts, hurting my wounds, but there’s something comforting about the love she freely gives that overrides the pain. She looks like a completely different dog than when I first saw her. Her fur is clean and soft, no longer caked in dirt and mud. Her happiness is magnetic, making me laugh softly. I return her sweet cuddles before the door opens wider, drawing my attention.

I catch a glimpse of messy blond hair before I see him. My stomach twists, a mixture of excitement and relief. My gentle man is here. That happy feeling only lasts for a second before it fizzles out when I get a good look at the rest of him.

My sweet, funny Cohutta looks like death warmed over. His usual pretty gray eyes are dark and gloomy, he has bags under his eyes like he hasn’t slept in days and scruff covers his chiseled jaw.

“Tara?” Cohutta whispers, approaching with caution, breaking me even more.

“My stallion.” A smile spreads across his face, but I can still see the despair hiding underneath.

“Come here.” I pat the bed beside me. I just want him close to me. He follows my command, curling up beside me, careful not to jostle me too much. The stale scent of alcohol wafts from his breath. It’s not unusual that he drinks, but with the way he looks, I’m starting to think it’s gotten out of control.

With Cohutta on one side of me and the dog on the other, I feel safe and protected.

“How are you feeling?” he asks, gently rubbing my arm. I missed his touch so much. He has the ability to make me feel both warmed and loved without saying a word.

“Like I’ve been hit by a truck.” His brows scrunch together, sadness etching his face. Cohutta can’t hide his emotions very well and that’s okay with me. At least I know he’s real.Unlike his best friend.

He sighs mournfully. “Shit, Tara. I’m so sorry. I should’ve done something. I don’t know what I could’ve done, however, I’d do anything to take this all back and stop you from going through it.” His eyes meet mine. They’re like a window to his broken soul, showing me the shattered pieces he’s trying to hide. Begging for a forgiveness that he thinks he needs.

“It’s not your fault. There’s nothing you could’ve done.” I don’t blame him one bit. He didn’t know. He couldn’t have known. His hand drifts to my hair and he gingerly runs his fingers through it. My eyes fall closed from how relaxing it is. I’m safe with him. He won’t ever hurt me.

“I know this isn’t about me, baby. It shouldn’t be. But fuck, Tara, I was terrified. I thought I lost you.” The agony in his voice is enough to drown me. When I was locked up, I couldn’t let myself think about Cohutta often because it would break me. I tried to only think about him when Zayan was hurting me, because I knew Cohutta would be hurting too. If I thought about his pain, it would hurt worse than anything Zayan could do to me. He’s snuck his way into my hard heart and has the ability to shatter it to pieces with a single look.

“Can’t get rid of me that easily. It’s gonna take more than drugs, no food and water, and Zayan to bring me down,” I deflect. After I say the words, I wince, realizing the mistake I’ve made.

Cohutta growls at my attempt to lighten the mood, his jaw clenching. “No food or water?”

“No. He gave me a few scraps of bread just to keep my heart beating, but other than that, I had nothing.” As much as I know the truth will hurt him, I won’t lie.

His jaw tightens as he glides his fingers across my skin like he’s trying to make sure I’m really here. “Fuck, that alone could have killed you.”

“How long was I gone?”

“A week. That bastard had you for a week,” he grunts, his tone filled with agony and regret. That week felt like multiple lifetimes. Each day was an eternity spent in agony.

Slowly, I turn on my side to face him without aggravating anything too much or pulling my IV out. Dr. Poore had to come back and put them in again after I ripped the other ones out. She wasn’t too pleased with me. “I was in this dark room with no windows. Minutes turned into hours then to days. I had no idea how long he’d had me.” I’ve learned my lesson from the first time—I’ll never keep my darkest moments from the ones I care about ever again. I hid my past from Lya, and I shouldn’t have. I won’t again.

Cohutta leans in and plants a loving kiss on the tip of my nose. “You’re so strong, Tara.” My heart clenches at his use of my name instead of “wild girl.”
