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Fuck me. She’s trying to kill me. I might die tonight from staring at her alone.

I texted her earlier and told her to dress comfortably for our surprise, but damn, I didn’t mean to dress so comfortably that I’ll be distracted all night from her hard fucking nipples pointing right at me. My dick loves the sight. My brain hates that I won’t be doing anything about it.

Tonight is going to be a long…very long….hard night.

Tara is a temptation that I can’t have. Not yet. Not until she’s ready.

“Are you going to tell me what this super-secret surprise that has you all smiley is?” I cross my arms over my chest, trying to act like I’m mad about being kept in the dark. In all reality, whatever Cohutta has planned is going to be incredible. He’s the most loving and thoughtful person I’ve ever met. When he does something, he goes all out.

My palms begin to sweat the longer I think about Cohutta. I don’t deserve this sweet, charming man, but somehow, he sees me just like I see him. He looks past the walls, sex, and humor I use to hide my pain and sees the fear that plagues me. He rips away the curtains I hide behind and forces me to see my true self no matter how broken and ruined I feel. Then he lifts me up, making me feel whole again. I didn’t realize I needed him or that I was missing something as incredible as that, until I met him. We might have started out as a one-night stand that turned into a two-night stand, but it’s become so much more than that for both of us.

“You’ll know soon enough, wild girl.” His teasing smile could melt the clothes right off my body. The way his white shirt and gray sweats mold to his delectable body makes my legs weak. He purposely wore gray sweats to tease me like I teased him earlier. Seeing the outline of his massive cock every time he takes a step is pure torture. Payback is a bitch.

“You’re not even going to give me a hint?” I pout.


“What about for a little exchange?” I lift the hem of my shirt up, taunting him with the idea of seeing my bare tits.

“You’re killing me,” he groans, knowing exactly what kind of exchange I’m talking about. The longer I’m home, the more I begin to feel like my old self. But there’s something different about it this time. I haven’t jumped right into sex like I did last time, even though I’ve tried plenty. The guys are forcing me to take my time, to be patient. I’m starting to recognize what I actually need and want instead of trying to mask my pain like I usually do.

“Me? Never.” I squeeze my arms tighter, pushing my boobs higher to give him the perfect view. His gaze instantly drops to my chest. I can’t help my smile at how easy it is to distract him.Typical man.I’m not trying to sleep with him right now, but it’s funny how incredible the power of boobs is.

“You are pure trouble. What am I going to do with you?” He drops his head back, letting out a deep sigh. He doesn’t even try to hide the bulge tenting his sweats. A telltale sign that he loves what he sees.

“I know a few things you could do. Starting with fucking my tits with that bi—”

“No. Nope, absolutely not.” He cuts me off before I can boost his ego with all the talk about how big his cock is. You can get a man to do anything you want if you compliment his dick, even if it’s not big and you let him think so. Cohutta doesn’t have a problem in the size department though, that’s for sure.

He lets out an irritable groan while running his hands through his hair frantically. “Damn you, wild girl. Damn you.” He meets my eyes again, but I can see the nerves overtaking his emotions.

“You alright over there, stallion?” I try to lighten his mood.

“Perfectly fine.” He shakes his head before planting a fake smile back on his face. “Let’s go, before I lock us away in here and never come out.”

I move closer to him, wrapping my arms around his waist. He holds onto me tightly, making sure not to squeeze too hard on my healing body. “Relax.” I run my hands up his back soothingly. “No matter what you have planned, I’ll love it becauseyouplanned it. You’re too good to me. You don’t need to be nervous. It’s written all over your face, so I was trying to lighten the mood so you wouldn’t be so serious.”

His body sags in relief, listening to the words he needs to hear. “You’re wrong,” he whispers in my ear. “I’m not too good for you. You deserve the fucking world and I’m grateful to be living in yours.” My heart swells as he kisses the side of my head before moving back. My arms drop from his body, but he quickly picks up my hand, linking our fingers together to lead me out of the room.

Cohutta takes it slow down the stairs for my sore body. As we descend, something shiny catches my eye from the foyer. “Is that a new piano?” I ask, trying to stop and gawk over the rose gold beauty sitting where the white piano once was, but Cohutta keeps pulling me along.

“We’ll talk about that later.” He’s impatient, growing even more tense the closer we get to his surprise.

“What happened to the old one?” Once we reach the bottom, he lets go of my hand to pull out a silk tie from his pocket. “I said, later.”

Completely distracted by the mischievous look in his eyes, I forget about the piano for now. “What are you doing?” I quirk an eyebrow at him.

He smirks. “Gotta keep up the mystery.” Walking behind me, he drags his fingers down the back of my neck, across my bare shoulders as goosebumps trail his touch. He kisses gently against my skin while wrapping the blindfold around me, covering my eyes. My heart picks up a little, both in fear and excitement. As scary as it may be, I’d let this man blindly lead me anywhere because I know I’d always be protected.

“If I trip, I’ll beat you up,” I tease.

“I’d like to see you try, wild one.” He chuckles, wrapping an arm around my waist to guide me to wherever this surprise is. It doesn’t take long before I hear a door open and feel warm air against my skin.

“We’re going outside?” I can feel the rays barely kissing me since the sun has already started setting.

“Patience,” he whispers, sending a shiver down my spine. Cohutta guides me a few more steps before stopping. The blindfold slowly slips away from my eyes. Blinking a few times, I take in the sight before me.Holy shit. This is amazing.

In front of me are piles and piles of giant pillows and blankets covering the backyard next to the pool. White Christmas lights hang all around, illuminating the deck. A large projection screen is set up, waiting for us to pick a movie to play. On the side of the pillow fort is a table full of candy, popcorn, and drinks. It’s like our own little movie theater at home. Even Tuna is out here running around the pool like the ball of energy she is. He honestly thought of everything. This is just incredible. I have no idea how he got all of this stuff here, but he did a fantastic job.
