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“You taste so good,” he murmurs against my skin, sending a chill down my spine. Fuck, this is hot. Once he’s done with my stomach, he moves to my cock.

I lose my breath when his tongue hits the tip. I can’t fucking breathe when he takes me into his mouth, sucking me like he’s trying to make sure he drains all of the rest of my cum. They are both amazing with their mouths. They know how to work a cock. Not just anyone’s, mine.

“Fuck,” Tara whispers beside me. Lust laces her voice and I can tell she’s getting off on this. “Make him feel good, Rush. Show him how much you love his thick cock.”

Our dirty-talking girl loves watching him take me in his mouth.

“Rush, shit,” I moan. Now that I’ve had a man’s hand and mouth on my cock. I want it again. I want more with him.

I ran away last time, but I know what I want now. No more running. I want to explore these intense feelings I have for him. Tara told me she was okay with that, and I truly believe her.

Rush pops off my cock, and I instantly miss him. “You okay?” he asks.

I shoot him a sleepy smile. “More than okay.”

He chuckles as he crawls up on the other side of Tara, his dark, daring eyes meeting mine. “Don’t run this time. We can go as slow as you want, Reilly. All of us.”

His words warm my chest. “Never again.”

I finally feel like I’ve found my place, my people. I feel like I belong.

Last night was fucking amazing. Like a dream come to life. I never imagined it to be that incredible.

It started out as my first time being with Rush. I oddly expected him to be sweet and soft because of what’s happened lately, but it’s like he knew what I needed instead. I don’t do soft and sweet often. I like it hard and rough most of the time. Maybe that’s from the trauma I’ve been through, or maybe that’s just my preference, but either way, it was spectacular.

Rush’s giant cock was in charge and more than I ever could’ve imagined. As soon as he slid inside me, I forgot everything else. All that mattered was us, the pleasure in that moment, and our shared connection.

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better, Cohutta joined us. Absolutely blowing my world to pieces. I’ve dreamt about having them both, but I wasn’t sure that would ever happen.

I’ve been lying here awake for hours thinking about sex with the two sleeping men on either side of me. I need to get up and do something before I drive myself crazy from my thoughts. Carefully rolling out of bed, I make sure not to wake either Rush nor Cohutta. Just as I finally get up, they move closer together, with their foreheads lightly touching.

I’m glad they were able to figure some things out when we were all in the moment. I’m perfectly okay with them getting closer, but Cohutta has been a little uneasy about it. He’s been worried about how I’ll feel about it and what this could mean for their friendship.

Looking at them one more time, they look so fucking peaceful.

They deserve to have some good sleep. They spend way too much time worrying about me. I hate that I’ve completely taken over their lives, forcing them to be concerned with my safety every second of the day. I appreciate it, and it means a lot to me, but I can take care of myself every once in a while. I’m not entirely useless in protecting myself now that I know to be prepared.

Tears sting my eyes, thinking about my plan and what I need to do to keep them safe. It’s for the best, but can I really do it? I'm starting to think my subconscious doesn’t want me to leave, that it knows better than I do. I’ve had plenty of opportunities to make my escape, but I keep coming up with excuses about how I’m not healed enough or how I need more time to plan.

If I’m healthy enough to fuck them, I’m healthy enough to run away and protect them from the destruction Zayan is inevitably planning.

Can I actually do it, though?

Shaking the thoughts away, I head to the bathroom to do my morning routine. After I’m done, I throw my favorite yellow bikini on and grab my striped beach towel. It’s the best time of the year when it’s perfect swimming weather during the day and cooler at night.

As I head down to the pool, Tuna follows after me, yipping when I pass the kitchen. “You hungry, sweet girl?” My question earns me another high-pitched bark. Sometimes I think she can understand what I’m saying, and other times it’s like she can’t hear me at all.She’s probably like a man and has selective hearing.I take a detour through the kitchen and grab a can of tuna, scooping the disgusting shit into her bowl. I absolutely hate the smell of tuna, especially after I got sick eating it one time, but this little one can’t get enough of it. Her tail wags a mile a minute as she devours her breakfast, making me smile at knowing she’s taken care of and happy. “Such a good girl.”

“Only when she’s sleeping. And sometimes not even then.” Marnix’s deep voice causes my body to still and Tuna to growl. These two act like they hate each other, but I’ve caught him petting her and her cuddling up to him when they think no one is around to see. He wasn’t outside the door when I left, but I figured he’d gone to the office or something. Then again, he doesn’t leave the house much these days.

Swiveling around, my breath hitches when I see his perfect torso glistening with sweat. I’m not in a place to completely forgive him yet, but damn, he’s a work of art. Definitely easy on the eyes. His sculpted body has me lingering on his chest and abs. This man has too much time on his hands if he can get his body to look like that.

My gaze trails up until I meet his ocean eyes. The knowing smirk on his face makes me want to slap it off. Of course, I was ogling him. Who wouldn't? But I don’t need him to know what he does to me without even trying.

“She’s a good judge of character. She hates assholes, just like her mom,” I scoff.

Marnix moves around me, grabbing a shaker bottle out of the cabinet before filling it with milk and protein powder. “Mmm, surely that’s not it. Her mom likes me, and she’s told me I’m an asshole more times than I can count.” He grins, looking me in the eye as he shakes his protein. I don’t know what’s gotten into him today, but he’s cockier and more playful than usual. Something is going on with him, making me wonder what exactly could be putting him in a mood like this.

“In your dreams, Your Highness.”
