Page 141 of Blood of the Saints

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It’s something I wanted to do. I knew in my heart leaving them would be one of the hardest things I’d ever do, but I was scared. Being moments from death was enough to make me realize I don’t want to lose them.

“I said, I’m in.” There’s only one thing weighing on my mind, knowing that I haven’t been completely honest with them either. The secret I’m keeping might change things.

“You’re ours. Only ours. No one else gets to have you, no one else will make you feel the way we do. Do you understand?” Ace’s possessive voice is filled with promise that once I’m fully theirs, there’s no going back.

“Yes.” My voice drips with need, desperately wanting their hands all over my body. I want to truly be theirs, but my stupid-ass brain won’t stop racing. If we’re in this together, we have to be in it fully. I can’t keep holding back. “Wait. I, uhh, I need to tell you all something.”

“What is it, darling?” Blais says, flirting his fingers across my skin making me regret saying anything.

“I haven’t been fully honest with you either.” The hesitancy I’m feeling floods the room, making me want to crawl inside myself away from their sharp gazes. Blais’ fingers freeze on my waist as Ace looks at me with stone eyes, no longer showing the burning lust.

He’s doing that thing where he works through every way this conversation could go, trying to figure out what I’m going to say.

“Ahh, so our secrets are reprehensible, making us unworthy of your trust until we told you the truth, but you’ve been keeping your own?” Still holding the blade, Ace drags it across my chest, down the valley between my breasts. My breath hitches, knowing that trust doesn’t come easy to any of them, so keeping a secret after I just demanded they spill theirs doesn’t look great for me.

“Don’t lose your voice now, temptress. What secrets have you been keeping?” He pauses his movement with the blade, waiting for me to continue.

“I lied about the reason I’m undercover.” I gulp loudly, taking a breath before continuing. “Novak was on my suspect list, but it wasn’t for gun running. It was…the FBI…I was supposed to figure out why all these people in the Cincinnati area are going missing and who’s doing it.” Cold sweat breaks across my brow, not sure how they’re going to react.

“The FBI is looking into us?” Theon asks, pressing off the wall, moving closer to us.

“Yes…I mean, notyouspecifically. They are looking into the missing people, but they don’t know it’s you. You aren’t on the suspect list. None of you are.” I know how this looks. My mission was to find out why all these people are going missing and who is doing it, and I just so happened to stumble upon the right guys.And get kidnapped by them and fall in love with them. No big deal.

“How do we know you’re not lying now?” Ace demands, looking at me like he doesn’t recognize me anymore.

“I’m not. Look, I get it. You guys are exactly who I was supposed to find, but it’s not like I stamped ‘kidnap me’ across my face and came onto you as part of my master plan with the hopes you’d take me. I honestly had no idea who you were, you have to believe that.”

I’m pleading with them, sounding desperate, but I want them to truly know I was never playing them in that way. I am with them and it’s not some act or attempt for the FBI to raid them. “You see exactly what I see. You’ve seen it this entire time. We are the same. You wouldn’t have asked me if I was in if you didn’t believe that. I’m in this. The FBI has no idea it’s you guys that are doing this and it will stay that way.”

“How can we trust that you won’t betray us the moment we give you some freedom? This could easily be part of your plan to get away. To trick us and run back to the FBI or maybe this really is some elaborate setup,” Theon asks coldly. I no longer feel the warmth and happiness from him that I felt moments ago.

“I know you three jackasses have a hard time seeing past your big egos, but if you do remember, you’re the ones who kidnapped me. Novak was my target, because the FBI thought he was involved. You weren’t even on my radar. So unless I have the ability to see the future, I think it’s obvious this isn’t a setup. If it was, this would be the worst fucking setup in history. I want this. You’ll have to take my word for what it is.” Why would I willingly subject myself to that torture and for this long if I knew the FBI could come in at any moment and take them down for the shit I’ve seen since being here?

“That’s an easy story to spin, princess. You did approach us, remember? We just took matters into our own hands after that.” Theon’s calculating look is guarded, trying to protect himself.

“Open your big-ass heads, and really listen to what I have to say, because I won’t say it again. If you can’t believe that I truly want to be here, that I want to be with you three, then maybe you don’t deserve to have me. I questioned you, asking for your honesty. In return, I gave you mine. I could’ve easily kept that to myself and you never would’ve known. Instead I told you willingly. You want to know why? Because I fucking want this. If that’s not good enough for you, then kill me like you’ve always wanted. Otherwise, shut the fuck up and believe I’m telling you the god’s honest truth.” I’m in no position to be acting this confident, but damn them to hell if they refuse to believe what they know is true.

“Mmm, that naughty mouth and sassy attitude of yours really turns me on, darling,” Blais says with humor in his voice. Glad to know he thinks this is funny and isn’t taking it seriously at all.

“A mouth like that will get you punished.” Ace’s voice shoots straight to my core, and it clenches with need, knowing any punishment they give will make my traitorous body writhe with pleasure. For once, it feels like they genuinely listened to me. That they realized the truth in what I just said.

“Do your worst. Just know I’m yours.” Not long ago, I said the exact same thing to them, knowing they really would do their worst to me and they did, but now it’s a promise. A promise that whatever they throw at me, I’m willing to take with open arms. Because like Ace said, I’m theirs. Only theirs, and they’ll still protect me even when they’re punishing me.

“Remember later what you said, temptress.” Ace smirks before dragging the knife down my shirt, cutting it wide open, baring my breasts to them. He moves to the sleeves, cutting them as well so the material crumbles to the floor, leaving me in only my panties. My sensitive nipples harden from the cool breeze. When I was straddling Ace with the syringe to his neck, I never thought to put clothes on, instead I remained in an oversized T-shirt of Blais’ and my panties. Maybe it wasn't the best choice at the moment, but I’m not complaining now.

“So damn beautiful,” Ace says, bringing the knife to my breast, flicking it lightly, making my jaw clench as I moan from the touch. Blais brings one hand up, massaging my other nipple between his rough fingers, forcing a cry out of me.

“You think you can handle us?” Ace asks, pressing the blade further into my breast, sending a shiver down my spine. My arms are still chained and all I want to do is run my hands through his curly, blond hair while he kisses me senseless.

“Can you handle me?” I challenge him in return.

Blais’ soft breath skates across my neck, while Theon chuckles beside Ace.

“Are you taunting us, temptress? It doesn’t look like you’re in any position to do that.” Ace moves the blade cross my stomach, dragging it down to my panty line.

“Just seeing if you can keep up, Acey.” My thighs rub together, slickness coating them from how turned on I am. Without second thought, Ace cuts the sides of my lace thong, watching the fabric pool at my feet. Thank goodness I have plenty more, because I foresee this becoming a common theme.

Ace flips the blade around and presses the red handle against my clit, rubbing it up and down slowly. “Fuck, that feels good.” My hips buck forward as I drop my head back to Blais’ shoulder while he continues to work my breasts.
