Page 123 of If I Could

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“It IS dangerous but that’s part of the appeal.”

He pulls me back down to him and kisses me. “You like danger?”

“In small doses, yes.”

He kisses me again. “I love you so much, Sage. How did this even happen?”

“How didwhathappen?”

“How did we find each other? How did we both end up here? I mean, I know how it happened. I just find it odd that two outsiders both end up in this tiny little town that probably hasn’t had anyone new move in for fifty years, and yet we show up at the same time.”

“I was just thinking the same thing. It’s almost like we were meant to show up here when we did. Like we were meant to meet.”

“Huh.” He chews on his lip.

“What?” I laugh because he seems so deep in thought. It’s like I lost him for a moment. “What are you thinking?”

“Nothing.” He gives me a kiss. “Let’s go.”

We get dressed and go over to his house and get the motorcycle. We ride along the country roads, and at first I’m scared but I eventually relax and enjoy the ride. Nobody else is around. It’s just Kyle and me on the open road and I love it. It’s something I’ve never done, and I love that I’m experiencing it with Kyle.

When we’re almost home, Kyle pulls over on the side of the road.

“What are you doing?” I ask as he helps me off the back of the bike.

“I want to show you something.”

He grabs my hand and guides me through a path that has wheat fields on both sides. We end up in a clearing in front of what used to be a house. Now its roof is caved in and weeds are growing all around it.

“I’m not going in there,” I tell Kyle.

He laughs. “I wouldn’t let you. It’s too dangerous. The thing’s falling apart.”

“Then where are we going?”

“Back here.” He pulls on my hand and leads me to a giant oak tree that’s behind the house.

“It’s going to be dark soon. I don’t want to be out here.”

“We aren’t staying long.” He lets go of my hand and climbs up to the lowest branch of the tree. It’s a big, wide branch that juts out over the lawn, which is now a field of weeds. He reaches down. “Give me your hand.”

“I’m not going up there. I don’t climb trees.”

“Have you ever tried?”


“You should. It’s awesome. Now hurry up. You’re going to miss it.”

“Miss what?”

“Would you stop asking a million questions and get up here?”

It’s not very high up but I’m still not comfortable climbing a tree.

“What if I fall?”

“Then I’ll catch you.”
