Page 44 of Finding Hope

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“I don’t know what to do and what not to do with Claudia.”

Jillian put her hands on her hips and gave Austin a stern look.

“Is there something so different about Claudia that makes you wonder?”

Austin held up his hands.

“There is nothing wrong with her, but I want to make sure I am being respectful of her past and don’t come on too strong. I want her to know that I can wait but I’m not sure if she is even thinking about me in that way and – “

Jillian held up her hand.

“Tell me what you know or think you know.”

“I know I kissed Claudia and it was amazing. For me it made all things clear. It helped me to see that I could appreciate her as a woman and a work colleague. I thought it was going to be the beginning of something and instead it turns out she has used it as the end of us being around each other at all.”

“Ahh so that is the reason I’ve become the messenger girl. So why don’t you ask her?”

Austin looked at Jillian and then thought about what Sasha had said.

“Are you sure you didn’t hear any of this with Sasha?” he moaned.

Jillian laughed.

“I didn’t hear it, but it just seems like there are so many questions going on here and the quickest way to fix it is to ask her. She’s been through a lot, but it’s made her a stronger woman Austin not a fragile piece of glass.”

“I know she’s strong, but I want to make sure she feels safe with me. So, I want to respect her wishes and – “

Jillian interrupted him.

“I’m confused Austin. Do you want a relationship or a project?”


“I’m just asking. If you think she needs saving and pampering maybe you are looking more for a project. If you are looking for a relationship, then you need to let her make her own decisions. Talk to her Austin, don’t talk for her or at her but talk to her. She’s had a rough past but she’s still a woman.”

“I didn’t mean to make it seem like she wasn’t a woman. I'm careful with Claudia for two reasons. One of them is her past. I want to make sure I'm respectful of that. The other reason is because she is a woman that you marry. She's a woman who's looking for forever and one who deserves it. this is my first time running into a woman I wanted to give forever to. ask me how to date a woman I'm never going to see again, and I know the rules. ask me how to date a woman I want to spend the rest of my life with and all of a sudden I'm lost.”

Jillian smiled.

“I want you to know that you are not alone. when a woman meets a man she wants to spend forever with she's lost too because until that moment all the rest of them were duds. here's the deal Austin. there are no guarantees and no rules to how people get together. what works for one person may not work for the other. you both got to play it by ear.

however, I will tell you something to help you out because boy you need it. trust and honesty are the cornerstones of long-term relationships. not what you choose to share. when you make a choice on what will be shared between the two of you, you're no longer equals. trust and honesty is about bringing it all to the table and the both of you figuring it out.”

Austin was rubbing the back of his neck thinking about what Jillian was saying.

“trust and honesty huh?”

Jillian smiled.

“remember the way you start is the way you end; trust and honesty give it a go.”

after that Jillian walked out of the office. Austin took a deep breath and knew what he had to do. He just hoped he and Claudia survived it.

* * *

Could a person be lockedup for saying to many good things about you? Claudia looked up and saw Austin.

“Just keep walking and don’t say a word,” Claudia said as Austin wiggled his eyebrows, a sure portent that he was about to say something.
