Page 45 of Finding Hope

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She couldn’t tell you what had happened, but something had changed in Austin since Sasha had come back. He was more. He was more Austin, more everywhere, he was just more. They had since done two more shows where they did a recording of what they both saw in a piece of work, and it was a huge success. Every day that she worked with Austin she admired him more and thought he was a great guy. Those thoughts coupled with the kiss in her car had her looking at him more and more like a man instead of a coworker.

Of course, it wasn’t helping that he was Mr. congeniality.

“I was thinking that you are a unique combination of intelligence and beauty, a shining example to others around you,” he said.

Claudia rolled her eyes.

“You’ve got to knock it off besides you don’t believe any of it,” she said trying not to accept anything he said as true. It was hard. The words were cheesy but unoffensive and sweet.

“I do believe it. The reason it comes so easy is because I believe it,” he said with a smile.

“What if I asked you to stop,” she asked like she had so many other times.

“I’ll stop telling you. I’m sure Sasha and Jillian don’t’ mind hearing how great you are.”

Claudia could attest that was true. The first few days she had gotten him to stop talking to her he had gone to Jillian and Sasha, and they had come back to tell her how well he had spoken of her.

They were both in the office and when she looked up, she saw him looking at her. He got up and walked over to her.

“Yes,” she said suspiciously pushing her chair back even though the desk was between them.

“I think we should do the adult thing and make a decision on where this relationship is going.”

“what relationship?”

“are we going to start there? at the very least give me the acknowledgement that we kissed.”

“I do. We kissed and its over. It happened and it meant nothing.”

He sat on the desk leaning closer to her.

“it meant nothing to you? Maybe I should kiss you again and see if we are still at that point?”

Claudia looked at him warily and then decided to brazen it out.

“I find it amazing that men always think that something physical is going to help,” she threw back at him.

Austin smiled.

“It might have some thing to do with the idea that most woman respond very well to Physical things.”

Claudia shook her head.

“That is your imagination,”

“Ah, so you didn’t like the roses I sent last week,” she said.

Claudia didn’t flinch. The roses had been gorgeous. When they had come she had taken one home and put it in a vase.

“I thought the roses were for the company, that’s why they are outside on the table.”

“Ah, and what about the box of snickerdoodle cookies?”

Claudia had to stop her eyes from closing just thinking about those cookies. They were her favorite and she had to admit to having two in one day when the box arrived.

“I thought that was company morale,” she said.

“Ah, I see the problem. I have been trying to show you how I feel, and you’ve been thinking it’s for the company. I need to just apply my efforts directly to you,”
