Page 53 of Finding Hope

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“No knucklehead but I don’t want to destroy what the two of you have built and it’s amazing.”

Austin hated seeing Sasha like this he knew they were going to work it out he just needed to keep everyone calm.

“Listen I think she should come. When she comes I’ll tell her you orchestrate everything and that the things you do don’t require a steady hand but a vigilant sense of style, “Austin said.

Claudia looked at him in shock.

“This is yours Austin. I wouldn’t want to take it from you,” Sasha said with a desperateness in her voice.

“There is nothing you are taking. I keep you up lots of time for your advice,” Austin said.

“I come to you as well to know what I’m doing is fashion and not junk,” Claudia chimed in.

“I know what it’s like to be sacrificed on the alter of making money. It’s one of the reasons I left. Being a creative doesn’t exempt people from stealing my ideas or saying I’m talentless and just an artist.

Sasha ran into Austin’s arms.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you but I’m sure it was long ago that only the heavens remember. AS much as I want to say yes. I think you need to think about it. You might decide you want to change your mind and let the old bird take her chances with her sibling,” Sasha said.

“I won’t but it’s good of you to offer, “Austin said. “Claudia did you need something?”

Claudia was still looking at him as if he had done something great.

“My car was taken to the shop this morning and I wanted to know if you could drop me off at the garage. I know its sudden.”

“No problem let me get my keys and I’ll be right back,” Austin said.

Austin grabbed his keys and as he was going back he was stopped by Sasha’s voice.

“Don’t waste time overthinking things girl. Grab him and live your life to the fullest. They’re less and less of his kind out there.”

They were in the car when the weight of the silence was too much for him.

“Okay what did I do wrong now?”

Claudia sighed.

“I think the problem is I can’t find why you are doing this for Sasha.”

“Maybe because she’s always been there for me, and she has tons of advice that she gives to me no matter how I initially act. Maybe it’s because - “

“Okay, stop I get it. Sasha does a lot of good things for you.”

“But that’s not enough?”

“I think the bigger problem here is, if you really did all of this because you’re a nice person I may have to rethink how I have you in my head.”

“And how is that?”

“I have you as the guy working the angle,” Claudia said.

Austin didn’t say a thing and he couldn’t look at her either. When they pulled in front of the garage he nodded.

“here’s your stop.”

“Austin I – “

“No, we’re friends and I want us to be honest. I guess I thought we were further along.”
