Page 54 of Finding Hope

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When the door closed Austin drove until he had driven out of town and down a highway that only had a number to its name. He was trying to outrun the hurt he was feeling. One more reason why this trust and keeping your heart open wasn’t his first go to and he had to figure out if it was worth it.

* * *

“Imessed up big timetoday,” Claudia said as she flopped on the couch.

Tamara came over and hugged Claudia.

“Now, now, it couldn’t have been that bad. I heard nothing on the news and there wasn’t a big chase down the main street of a woman in a truck.”

“Austin did something very nice for a woman and I basically told him it was out of character, and I wanted to know his angle.”

“Ouch! Well, you’ve got me there. That was a bit brutal. Was it possible you were going by instinct and said that?”

Claudia snuggled deeper into Tamara’s embrace.

“Yes, I was going off of instinct, instinctual fear that he might be a nice guy,” Claudia murmured.

“The fear must have been great for you to do something like that. So why don’t’ you tell me what you’re really afraid of,” Tamara asked.

“I’m scared that he might be as sweet and generous as he seems.”

“Well that at least explains the park and Tanya’s on her way,” Tamara said as she hugged Claudia.

Claudia jumped out of her embrace.

“Tanya is coming? Oh no! The park I totally forgot it was in public,” Claudia said shaking her head. Whatever she was going to say was lost as she heard the door close.

“That is exactly why I am here it seems like you forgot the park was a public place and you and Austin were frolicking in it like children with no sense.”

“I needed a break, Tanya. It was nothing and - “

“And we can’t be too vigilant. I don’t want him to hurt you,” Tanya said.

“I think the problem isn’t him hurting me, it’s me hurting him,” Claudia murmured.

“He hurt? What did you say? Okay what am I missing?” Tanya asked as she took a seat on the couch.

Tamara brought Tanya up to speed and Claudia waited. She had taken her place back on the couch and waited for her sentence.

“Wow, I have to say that is so nice of him and it does sound like he may have been hurt. I would have been beyond wounded. I mean especially after the good time we had at the park and then that. It would have been a dagger in my soul, a pebble in the shoe of trust a – “

“We get it Tanya,” Claudia said miserably. “Why don’t we talk about something else.”

“Okay, I’ll pick that one up,” Tanya said. “Tamara how about going out to breakfast with me in the morning. If we got early enough we can be the first ones in and the first ones out.

Tamara let out a long sigh.

“I don’t do breakfast,” she said.

“You don’t do breakfast anymore,” Claudia said.

Tamara looked at Claudia.

“Really, you’re going to side with her to save yourself?”

“Don’t give me that look. I am always trying to get you to go out. It’s not new and no I wouldn’t throw you to the dogs, even the loving dog of Tanya to save myself.”

“I take walks at night. It’s not like I never go out.”
