Page 55 of Finding Hope

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“Well, I’m suggesting a great artist like you might want a permanent companion,” Tanya said. “You’ll excuse me if I’m a little skeptical of the type of men you’d meet at night. Hmm let me think. An escaping criminal or a man creeping about in the night or dead-beat dad trying to escape..”

All of the woman turned to look at Tanya. She shrugged.

“I’m sorry I was running out of examples,” Tany a said.

“Look both of you. I appreciate and love you both but I’m content with my life. I’m not frolicking in the park, true. I’m not finishing school and working on opening up my own shop that is true, but I have my art and I’m content.”

“Well, if you want to be stubborn consider doing some blind dates at night, “Tanya said. Both Claudia and Tamara looked at Tanya stunned.

“Please the both of you put your tongues back in your head. We need to address this right away. I have decided to make tons of money so you two must have my spiritual love children. You can’t do that alone now chop-chop fall in love already with Mr. right.”

Both women looked at Tanay and then fell out laughing. The night went better from that point on, but Claudia couldn’t shake it from her mind, deliberately or not she had done the unthinkable and hurt Austin.

Chapter Nineteen

It hadn’t even beena week since the dreaded dinner. Sasha’s sister had shown up, sat down and heard Austin sing her praises for about ten minutes when she excused herself. Sasha had been beyond grateful, but he had noticed she seemed a bit preoccupied. Austin wasn’t one to let things linger so he decided to address it head on.

“Sasha, can we talk in the office?” he asked.

Sasha seemed like she hesitated and then followed him. Once they were both in the room, he jumped right in.

“What’s wrong?”

Sasha shifted in her seat.

“Nothing is wrong. I just wanted to ask a question.”

Austin braced himself for her leaving. Sasha had agreed to stay on for a little while hoping her presence helped get them off of the ground. Her being in the public eye had definitely done that. He couldn’t ask anything else from her, but it didn’t mean that he didn’t want more. He wanted more time, but he was grateful for the time he had.

“Go for it.”

“I wanted to know if you still needed me around?”

Austin let the words sink like a stone in his gut and waited for the other shoe to drop.

“We can still use you around here, but I know you agreed for a limited amount of time.”
