Page 57 of Finding Hope

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Every day the only option that seemed as though it was open to her was going back to Corey. She knew if she went back in the beginning it would be fine but later on he would start with the verbal abuse, and they would be at starting point one. The only thing that had stopped her from falling into a depression had been these meetings with Tamara.

“so, what are the next options?” Tamara asked as they were watching Whisper and smoke in the backyard.

Naomi found the peace of just watching the dogs to be soul saving. She found Tamara to be comforting even though Naomi had thought at first that Tamara was somehow not right in the head.

“Well, after the buying of the house. I think it’s very clear I have to keep looking. Maybe I’ll need a car to travel to other towns.”

“Or you could ask Claudia.”

Naomi shook her head.

“You know why I won’t ask Naomi. I don’t want her to think that’s why I came here, to get a hook up.”

Tamara took the ball smoke had brought back and threw it again for him to fetch.

“I am not telling you what to do but I think you should ask her. I mean I thought getting yourself together was a priority.”

“It is.”

“Then consider doing what is best for your future and not what is best for your ego.”

Naomi looked over at Tamara and snorted.

“You think Austin will let me work there knowing I have a negative relationship with Claudia.”

“Had not have that is important.”

“Okay had. Have you seen the way he watches her and makes sure all things are good around her? She has grown as a woman in front of the town and now one of the many things to watch is how much he loves and adores her.”

Tamara shrugged.

“It seems to me that you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.”

“How do you know either one of them would be receptive to the idea?”

“I can tell you that everyone talks, and everyone likes to talk to me. What I can say is this. If you asked there is a good possibility of you getting it. Claudia wants to help you. Besides Austin has already talked to her on the matter and Claudia told him that if you matched what he was looking for he should grab you up.”

“Okay, okay I don’t have much but my pride, but I’ll put that on the line to get a job. While we are talking about moving on and doing things, when are you going to go out and celebrate my freedom at a restaurant. I mean I’m not sure we will be celebrating a job but at minimum we can celebrate my liberation from Corey and my new house.”

Tamara pouted and shook her head.

“Changing the subject isn’t going to help you. I appreciate it but you don’t have time for it. You know what you need to do now?”

“find out where Claudia is?” Naomi answered.

It’s 1.30 I happen to know where Claudi is she’ll be there for another half an hour.”

Naomi stood up and shook her head.

“I guess I better try to stop her”

Tamara smiled.

“Good job. Go get her.”

Naomi put on a light jacket and went to the lunch spot Tamara said Claudia was at. Perhaps she wasn’t a creature of habit. At this point Naomi was waiting for a hail Mary pass to save her from having to ask Claudia. All hope of that went away when she got there and saw Claudia and Austin were sitting at a table looking like they were in discussion. Naomi had no more excuses. She walked over before her courage left her.

“Hello?” Naomi said to them both.
