Page 58 of Finding Hope

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“Naomi, are you okay? Do you need something?” Claudia started. When Austin looked up Naomi didn’t see the same welcoming visage and she almost backed away. She might have been about to lose her courage Claudia pushed forward.

“Austin this is Naomi have to the two of you met?”

“No, we haven’t,” Naomi said extending her hand. For a moment she though Austin would shun her in public but after a moment he took her hand.

“We haven’t met. Do we have a need to?” Austiin asked tightly.

“Actually, I wanted to speak to you?” Naomi said to Austin.

Claudia stood up.

“Well, I’ll let you two – “

“No Claudia will you stay?” Naomi asked. Claudia looked her in the eye and then nodded.

Naomi turned to Austin.

“I hear you have a position open, and I’m qualified but I realize there might be some issues because Claudia and I have had a bad history. I realize you don’t know me, and you have no reason to trust me but I’m asking for a chance to work with you.”

Claudia swallowed and then smiled at Naomi. She felt Claudia’s hand on hers and nodded.

Austin looked at the linked hands.

“You don’t have a problem with this Claudia? We are a good team the way we are, and I don’t want us to lose our rhythm because of charity. We need, no I need to know this is going to be alright with you now and later.

Claudia looked at Austin.

“As long as Sasha is okay with it then I’m good. Naomi and I have addressed any old issues and put them behind us.”

Naomi nodded.

“I’m not looking to rehash the past. I just want a chance at a future. “

Austin wasn’t smiling but he wasn’t saying no either.

“Naomi, we can try a trial and see how it goes. For the record Sasha had already brought you up as a candidate so I’m not unwilling I just need to see it work.”

“that’s all I’m asking for is a chance.”

Naomi left out of the restaurant feeling like there was a chance she was going to make it after all. She was grateful the restaurant was busy, and no one noticed how she moved a little quicker to get out of the restaurant and onto the street. When she was there, she didn’t even bother to hide her tears as the ran down her cheek.

She had a chance, a chance to be more and a chance to be her.
