Page 4 of Savage Prince

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Jaxon doesn’t give a shit about any of this. Which I respect, but doesn’t do me any good right now.

Cayde will fight for his supposed “right” to the town. And at least his family has helped mine. His father is probably a grade-A douche, considering that he’s part of all of this. He gave my mother a job and me a scholarship to Blackwood Academy when he could have just let the Devil’s Sons rape and kill us both as payback for what my father did.

Dean has never been anything but cold to me. His family has never done anything for mine. Cayde might want me for revenge, but at least he wants me. To Dean, I’m just a useful hole.

I reach out, touching Dean’s cock. He stirs a little, and I freeze, but I quickly realize he isn’t going to wake up. I run my fingers over the velvety head, down the thick shaft, and I think about him taking my virginity that first night. I think about how hard I’d fought it up until then, how much I’d wanted to keep from having to take that final step.

Now I’m glad it’s gone. I circle my fingers around his cock, stroking lightly, just enough to make him dream about someone touching him but not enough to wake him, and I smile to myself.

Now I can finally start to make my own choices.

I’ll go to Cayde in the morning. I’ll start putting the wheels of my plan in motion, setting one brother against another, Cain and Abel style.

I’ll make them rue the day that I was picked to be their pet.

Dean groans in his sleep, and I yank my hand back. I can see the drop of pre-cum, glistening at the tip, roll down his shaft as it jerks, wanting my touch. I stifle a laugh at that.

Men think they’re so strong, so tough, so cruel and savage and merciless, but all it takes is knowing how to work six inches of flesh between their legs, and suddenly they belong to you even if they won’t admit it.

Okay, in Dean’s case, more like eight inches, and Jaxon is probably pushing more than nine. But still. The point is the same.

What’s between their legs—all of them, even Jaxon—is going to be the key to me getting out of this. The key to me getting what I want.

Freedom from all of these assholes, forever.

I don’t even know where I’ll go after this, after I ruin their plans and burn their stupid little kingdom to ash, just like the Sons did to my childhood home. But I know one thing for sure.

It’s going to be as far away from Cayde, Dean, and Jaxon as I can get.
