Page 5 of Savage Prince

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When I wake up the next morning, I don’t feel like I’ve fucking slept at all. Which is shitty because I have practice today, and the coach is going to notice if I’m off my game.

Athena is getting into my head even more than normal now. She’s screwing up everything, not just me keeping the town for my family, but now the things that really matter to me, too. Like my spot on the team. My place as the champion, undefeated. If we lose a game, there goes that distinction.

What I need to do is just accept that I’ve lost. Accept that my father is going to see me as a disappointment for the rest of my fucking life—but really, when didn’t he? I was never going to be Daniel. I was always just going to be a weak attempt at copying the son who was meant to do all of this. Accept that Dean will be the one in charge, and I’m going to be his muscle. It’s not the worst gig. It’ll come with less responsibility, and maybe all that working out and all those protein shakes will be good for something off the rugby field.

I just need to forget that it means I won’t ever get to fuck Athena. That she’ll always be around, in my periphery, but taking Dean’s cock until he gets tired of her. Maybe I’ll be lucky, and he’ll throw her to us once he’s done, but I doubt it. He’ll enjoy knowing that her pussy is only for him, even if he doesn’t want it.

It’s a shame, a girl like her not getting fucked. But he’ll tire of her before long because she’s not so much his type. She’s mine, and Jaxon’s. Fiery, dangerous, with a sharp edge and a mouth on her, sassy with full lips, begging to be stuffed full of cock. The kind of girl that fights you all the way down, doesn’t ever let you know for sure if you’ve won.

Dean would want a girl like Winter. Elegant, well-bred, a little slutty at the right times, and eager to please. Hell, maybe he’s considering her already.

Athena was meant to be mine. Made to be mine.

But now that Dean’s gotten the prize, this obsession with her could very well ruin my life.

I need to curb it, somehow.

Which ought to be easy enough, considering that she hates the sight of me. She’ll be glad to have an excuse to tell me to fuck off, that I can’t touch her, tease her, force her to do things to me any longer.

The hardest thing to control is my rage at the entire situation.

I always knew it was going to be like this. Jaxon and Dean, and I were like brothers, best friends. They were my sidekicks, but only one of us was ever going to take over in the end. I just didn’t know it was pussy that would be used to drive a wedge between us.

The other half of me, the half that isn’t so reasonable, wants to pound Dean’s face in, a blow for every time he pounded into Athena’s pussy. A broken bone for every time he sank his cock into what should have belonged to me.

I should have just fucked her in high school. I should have bent her over the desk in that library after she tried to puke on me and took her from behind. I should have plucked that cherry and tossed her aside like the biker whore trash that she was and is.

If I’d done that, I wouldn’t still be obsessed with her. She wouldn’t have been picked as the sacrifice. It would have been someone else, someone easy, someone pliable, someone who would have begged me to fuck her in exchange for me ceasing my torment. Someone who I wouldn’t have gotten nearly as much enjoyment out of, but who would be in my bed right now, leisurely sucking me awake instead of in Dean’s bed while I froth over the entire situation.

My father is going to be fucking pissed. I’m too big for him to beat now, but he still might try. Or worse, he’ll threaten something else. My money. My trust fund. Any future I might have as a part of all of this.

All of our lives are about to be turned upside down because of one stupid girl. I’ll be Dean’s sidekick instead of the other way around.

I don’t know how to not be the one that everyone else bows to.

I grit my teeth, getting out of bed and shucking off my boxers so I can head into the shower. My cock is rock-hard, morning wood in full effect, not to mention from thinking about Athena and how much I wish she were sucking me off right now. It takes every bit of self-control I have not to stroke it as I get into the shower, not to picture her full lips and defiant eyes just one more time. The look on her face the other night when I came all over her jeans. I want to drench every part of her body in it, fill up every hole—


I have to stop, somehow. I’ll go crazy if I don’t. It’s over, Cayde, I tell myself, ignoring my throbbing erection as best as I can and reaching for the shampoo. It’s over. Find some new pussy to obsess about, one you can actually have. Don’t ruin your life over a fucking chick.

It’s easier said than done. But I can do it. I know I can. I’ve done harder things than that in my life. I’ve watched a man die, killed a man with my own two hands, taken my father’s beatings without so much as a whimper. I can forget about one stupid girl.

Even one who defied me the way she did and is about to fucking get away with it.

I’ll just ignore her as much as I can. Go out of my way to not run into her. I’ll—

The door to the shower flies open, and I jump, nearly slipping and falling, as I turn to see who the hell is in my bathroom.

“What the fuck—”

The words die on my lips as I see who’s standing there, eyes raking over my naked, soapy front.

My little Saint.
