Page 79 of Pretty Lies

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“Now, chief, you’re going to be a good boy and take out your phone. You’re going to call Julio and tell him to release Gio because the charges were proven false,” he leans into Jared’s ear, growling deep and filled with so much power it makes my heart throb and my core tighten, “and make it believable or I’ll blow your brains out.”

Jared sweats profusely, and a sick satisfaction floods my veins like a drug. I watch as Luce’s muscles flex under his shirt, his biceps bulging as he presses Jared against the wall. He’s so big and strong, like a semi truck in comparison to Jared’s aging, paunch frame.

“Luce! Lexi!” Vincenzo’s deep voice calls out from the living room, followed by the sound of the door shutting.

“Ah, looks like I have some more back-up,” Luce chuckles as Vincenzo steps into the room with his brother beside him. Juny hops on one leg while the other is covered in blood. His face is pale and sweaty, and he groans painfully as Vincenzo helps him to the bed.

He completely ignores the fact that Luce has a man against the wall with his gun under his chin like this is a common occurrence, “We got Alan on ice. The bastard almost got away, but Gio caught him and told me to take him to the spot,” he looks at me and winks, “nice shot, Lexi, you got that asswipe real good in the shoulder, practically blew the whole top off.”

He sounds proud, and to be quite honest, I am proud. I give Jared a sweet smile when his eyes flash to mine.Yeah, that’s right, bitch, I shot the motherfucker.

“You hear that?” Luce sneers, “Your buddy is in our hands, and soon, you’ll be joining him if you don’t pick up that fucking phone and have Gio released.”

“Y-you won’t get away with this. You have no idea who you’re dealing with.”

My teeth grind achingly hard, my fists balling at my sides with the audacity of this fucking coward.

I take a step forward, then another one, until I’m in Jared’s face beside Luce, “You’re nothing but a sniveling little prick, Chief Jared Assman.”

Juny gives a painful chuckle from the bed, laughing at Jared’s ridiculous surname, but I ignore him and continue, “You want to act as though you’re some major player in this godforsaken world, but in truth, you’re nothing but a disgusting and lowlife human being who likes the suffering of women.

“But what makes you worse than all the rest is that you’re a sexual predator with a badge to hide behind. You’re a sickening man, completely revolting, and I hope you’re put down like the rabid dog you are. Now, kindly call thefuckingdetective before we decide you’re no longer useful.”

Everyone stood stock still as I spoke, eyes blinking in surprise -minus Luce, of course, he looks like he wants to devour me whole- until ever so slowly, Jared slips his hand into his pocket and pulls his phone free. With trembling fingers, he presses a few buttons before putting the phone to his ear.

“Put it on speaker.” I snap.

The line rings three times before Detective Julio’s voice comes through the line with a growl, “What?”

Luce presses the gun harder against his neck, making Jared visibly swallow before chuckling awkwardly, “It seems as though there’s been a huge mistake in arresting Giovanni Vacarri. I’m ordering you to release him immediately.”

We listen as Julio chuckles ironically, “Oh boy, you’re a fucking nitwit. What did I say, hm? In over your head.”

He chuckles again as Jared growls, likely figuring it out that Julio is a paid employee of not only the city, but also the Hooligans. Luce gives Jared a kissing face as Julio hangs up, then shoves him down to the floor. He stands behind him with the gun pressed to the back of the head and pulls out his phone and tosses it to me.

“Call Gio, sweetness. Make sure he’s okay.”

Jared makes a sound of disgust. Whether it’s because of the endearment I’ve been given or some other bullshit reason, it doesn’t matter because Luce swings his arm, cold-clocking the asshole with the butt of his gun. His temple bleeds from the blow, and his eyes roll to the back of his head before falling face down onto the floor, a gut-turning crunch as he lands. I cover my mouth with my hand, swallowing back the bile that climbs up my throat from the sound that reminds me of a watermelon splatting open on the cement.

“‘Bout damn time someone knocked that ugly mug out.” Vincenzo says as he moves closer to his brother.

I shake myself from my stupor and do as Luce asked, my fingers trembling as I dial. When Gio picks up on the first ring, it’s as though my heart bursts inside my chest only to reform three times bigger.

“I’m on my way back.” He says as a way of greeting, and my eyes fill with tears.

“Gio,” I whisper, sniffling, “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“I am, baby. I’m sorry this shit happened, but it’s almost over. We’ll finish this, and we’ll leave, all three of us. We’ll go someplace far away, anywhere you want, for as long as you want.”

He stays quiet for a moment, letting me mull over his words, but I don’t need any time to think about this; I want nothing more than to escape with my two men and never look back.

“You believe me, don’t you?” He asks.

I wipe my eyes and nod before remembering that he can’t see me, “I believe you, G.”

I look up at Luce, who looks at me with such warm eyes that it makes me cry a little more.

Sniffling and inhaling deeply, I collect myself, “We’ll see you in a few minutes. I love you.”

The look in Luce’s eyes as I speak those three words to Gio has my heart galloping in my chest like a wild horse, untamed and wild, but I don’t want to assume there’s a reason behind his gaze. I don’t want to make assumptions about Luce because the man is unpredictable, but I know how I feel for him. I know without a single doubt that I’m in love with Luce Rametta. Whether we have a long and lasting relationship or not, I know I will always love him just as I will always love Gio.

“What happens now?” Vincenzo asks, his cold voice interrupting my thoughts.

I clear my throat and step closer to the younger of the two brothers, touching the tips of my fingers to his forehead, “Juny needs Doc now.”

I grin down at him when he opens one eye and gives me a thumbs up before tossing his arm over his face. Vincenzo checks the wound on his brother’s leg once more before roughly patting his stomach, eliciting a string of Italian curses and a hiss from Juny.

Luce walks over to me, throwing an arm over my shoulder and kissing my temple, “He’s had worse. He’ll survive.”

My family may be a group of ruffian killers who would never have fit in my old life, but now they’re mine, and I’ll go to the ends of the earth for them.
