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Letting the scumbag live was hard to do but when Silver looked at me with those beautifully cold blue eyes, I couldn’t help but listen. The only other time I see darkness in a set of eyes is when I look in the mirror.

Vicious. Black. Untamed.

Along with her undeniable beauty, there’s a bit of depravity that calls to me on a level unlike anything else. Like me, she doesn’t bother to wear a mask to cover it up. She’s unashamed and unafraid to show society that a savage soul walks among them with pride.

My heart beats faster watching her command the room without uttering a word. It’s not something you see everyday and I can almost guarantee she’s never found her equal in a man. I don’t think any average Joe can stand next to her without looking weak.

“Thank you for that,” Silver says when she notices me staring.

I can’t help but to watch her and I don’t bother trying to hide the fact that I was either. I know my stare makes her uneasy but judging by the way she bites that plump bottom lip, I don’t think it’s because she doesn’t like it. I think she’s unused to the feelings I know I’m stirring in her though. I don’t say that in an arrogant way, I only say this because this is exactly how I’m feeling. Unsure and confused by the undeniable spark between us. She’s not the bubbly, gushing groupie I’m used to. She’s not throwing herself at me or batting her thick lashes at me either. Contrary to that, actually. I know she is annoyed by me and the feelings I evoke in her. She’s trying to look unaffected but it didn’t slip past me when she inhaled my scent a few moments ago. I noticed too when she melted in my arms after I pulled her off of Carlos.

She isn’t fooling me with theI can’t stand youvibe she’s trying to give off.

Her eyes may be icy blue but those expressive orbs are devoid of soft light. Don’t get it wrong—they’re bright and filled with life but on a level only broken souls understand. The light within them is hard and sharp like double edged blades that’ll cut layers off of anyone who looks too deeply. It’s like our shadows speak to each other in a language of pain and vengeance.

Reluctantly, I turn from her to grab my towel and water bottle, pouring the latter over my head to cool me off.

This girl.

I mentally shake myself out of these thoughts. She’s unattainable and that’s fine. I need to stay focused on my fight tonight then I need to focus on finding information on my sister.

“Yeah. Maybe you should invest in some bodyguards or get better ones. I won’t always be there to protect the damsel.”

Was that shitty? Yes, but I meant for it to sting. I don’t need her beautiful distractions. I shouldn’t have been surprised when it had the opposite effect though.

Silver steps closer to me and leans sideways to get my eyes on hers. “Don’t get it twisted, beach boy, I’m never a damsel.”

My lip curls at her insult but watching her show dominance is one hell of a turn on. She drags her icy eyes down my body before bringing them back to mine; hardness showing within the orbs .

“I’ll let it slide this one time, you’re new here after all. A little advice though? Learn your place before you’re put in your place.” She continues staring at me, like a snake that’s about to strike.

Only it’s me who strikes.

I lean forward until she’s backed up against the side of the boxing ring, where I put my hands up on either side of her head, holding onto the ropes. She’s got my tourette’s acting stronger than usual. My shoulder rises and falls quickly and my fucking eyes squeeze shut for a split second. I’ve never dealt with tics this badly before but I’ve also never dealt with this irritatingly gorgeous woman before either.

I stop moving closer when my nose touches hers and a drop of water from my hair lands on her cheek. I watch the drop roll down to the corner of her pouty maroon lips before bringing my eyes back up to hers.

“Don’t ever threaten me, doll. I may sound like a surfer but the only time I’ll let you call me that is when I’m diving face first into that wet pussy of yours, got it?” My words are spoken softly but the goosebumps along her shoulders tell me she felt them everywhere.

Before I can stop myself or think, I quickly flick her top lip with the tip of my tongue. I push off and away from her, fully expecting her to swing at me and she doesn’t let me down.

Sliver shakes the shock from her features and grabs my left wrist with her right hand before turning her hips toward me and swinging her left elbow at my face. I dodge it—just barely, though.

I twist the wrist she’s gripping and grip onto her arm, quickly placing my other hand at her shoulder, forcing her back to fall to the floor.

Silver won’t be brought to heel easily and though I can easily break her wrist, I have a feeling she’d keep going and leave her own broken marks on my as well. With her on her back and me squatting next to her, she brings her leg up before trying to wrap it around my neck. As much as I’d enjoy having my face between her legs, I’d much rather her not strain, pull, or break something before our fights so I let her go and push her legs away from me.

She gets to her feet and breaths heavily as she watches my movements. I tilt my head to the side and smirk at this firecracker before me. She’s got spunk most girls wish they had.

“I don’t want you to break a nail before your big show tonight, damsel.”

She rolls her eyes and flips me off before stalking off, in the wrong direction. I stand there and watch her try to play it off but there’s literally nothing in that direction so she reluctantly turns back around and rushes past me and shoulder checks me.

I burst out laughing when she does the same to Johnny who is clearly holding in his laughter. I guess he saw the power fight just now.

I shake my head, gathering up my stuff and exit the building. I didn’t think the underground fighting chief would be such an unwelcome distraction. Sure, I saw how attractive she was but attractive girls are everywhere. Why was this girl with a bullheaded attitude and smart mouth affecting me so much?

Doesn’t matter.Shedoesn’t matter.

Spotting the Land Rover, I walk over to it and push all thoughts of Silver to the back of my head. Not completely though. Silver is not someone easily forgotten and the old phrase,out of sight, out of mind,doesn’t work when it comes to her.

I glance back as I climb into the SUV and catch her watching me with a look of irritation and confusion. I chuckle as we take off from 5th Round but Gabe is blasting Eazy-E’s ‘Real Muthaphuckkin G’s’ so he doesn’t hear me.

Vibing to the music I mentally put myself in the zone for the fight.

I got a title to win and some money to make.
