Page 49 of Raiding Road

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You're not late, I just got here myself, I'll come for you.

Uhh, what?You just got here? Sara said you sent her to find me so I could make an appearance.

I never spoke to her; I was down at the garage.

I cut the link off as I step outside and look around for that lying little Witch. Why would she make shit up? I spot her with a group of people, all chatting with her like she's the most charming thing around. What's with this chick? I know she doesn't trust me, hell, I can't quite blame her after attacking the Alphas of the pack, but bitch and suck me off. I did what I had to and learned from it. Besides, it's not like Roman can't take care of himself.

I make my way to her, ignoring the looks I'm getting; I'm sure my eyes are glowing and my whole demeanor spells trouble. She turns and looks at me, her smile evil in every way and it sends a curdling shiver through me. Suddenly, it's like nothing in the world matters but inducing pain on anyone who steps in my way.

Before I can get ten feet from her, the glorious Cavernous Pussy steps in front of me, "Guess you just don't do it for Roman seeing as he paid me a visit at the garage not five minutes ago."

That has me freezing. Roman did say he was at the garage, but there's no way he was there for this bitch, but logic and rage don't hold hands. Not right now at least.

I swing my arm out without thinking and backhand her across the face. CP drops to the gravel, her hand covering her cheek as tears fall from her eyes, but I don't believe a single drop. I step closer to her, a predator stalking its prey. My combat boots crunch the rocks beneath me as she crab-crawls backwards, whimpering unintelligible words. Or maybe they are eligible, but this uncontrollable rage has everything morphed. Down is up, left is right; nothing is correct except for this need to kill the cowardly wolf in front of me.

"I've given you a warning. Now I'm done with you."

I reach down and yank her to her feet by her arm. She doesn't fight me, she just looks around expecting someone to step in and save her, but no one does. I slam my forehead to her face, uncaring of where my hit lands. Blood spurts from her nose, the bridge bent inward as her eyes roll back, but my hatred is unquenched. I can feel that what I'm doing is wrong, overboard even, but nor me or my wolf give a damn as I pull my fist back and punch her anywhere and everywhere.

I can feel my fist breaking in places, the small bones snapping and my skin splitting with each hit, but I don’t stop. I don’t even feel the pain. All I have comprehend is the thrill and satisfaction of finally kill—"

"JAZ!" A powerful voice breaks through my haze of violent anger and stops my attack, "what are you doing?"

Roman's face comes into view and with it, everything I've just done comes crashing down on me. I look at the unconscious girl in my hands, her face a bloody pulp, her teeth barley hanging onto the gum and her breathing harsh.

"What—what the fuck have I done?" I gasp, my words barely above a broken whisper as I scoop CP up and look around me. Everyone is watching me, all of their faces a mixture of emotions, including Knix and Knox, who both look shocked as hell.

"You bitch!" Someone screams from the crowd.

"Murderer!" Another person screams from somewhere else.

"Traitor!" Another voice.

I swing my head back to Roman when he roars above everyone, his shoulders heaving as he scans the crowd of onlookers, ready to kill anyone who looks at me wrongly, but they're right.

They're fucking right. A sob breaks through my chest as I turn with Loanie in my arms. I run for the healer's office to the west side of the grounds, about a quarter mile away from the main hub. I can feel and hear Roman behind me, but I keep running.

Running from my actions.

Running from the pack who now hates me.

Running just as I did months ago.

I am a killer. A murderer and a traitor.A fucking betrayer.

What the hell happened back there? I keep trying to remember what triggered me, what had my wolf close to shifting, I can't seem to remember anything before I headbutted Loanie. I don't understand. What made me feel utterly threatened that I attacked CP without a reason? I mean, I'm sure she mouthed off to me, that's usually her m.o., but I wouldn't brutally attack her for it. how can I go from fine, to bloodthirsty?

Salivatingat the brokenness of the girl in my arms. Bile rises in my throat at the thought.

I run up the set of steps to the Healer's office, ready to kick the door in but someone must have alerted her because she swings the door wide and points to the medical med in the middle of the room.

I lay the broken club Sweet down and back away, watching for a second as the Healer does her thing. After a minute, Roman cups my jaw, turning my face to his. His eyes glow wildly, the green flecks in his silver eyes dancing as if their flames.

"What happened, little wolf?"

"I don't know. I—I can't remember anything. I remember looking for Zatrina, but everything after that is blank until I headbutted Loanie. It was like I was in some sort of dream, but I couldn't control my anger. I couldn't stop myself," I look away, pulling my face free from Roman, "I didn't want to stop. It wasn't me though. Someone had to have done something to me to cause this."

Roman takes a step toward me, concern and confusion etched in his features, "I know that—"

"Your pack is better off without me, Roman." I cut him off, "everywhere I go, everyone I touch, burns."

He opens his mouth, anger replacing all other emotions, but I don't wait for him to reply. I shift and bolt through the door. My clothes falling in tatters on the ground as I push my legs to their limits. I just need to run, get away for a moment and think. I need to remember what the fuck just happened.

I can feel Roman chasing me, his voice scratching at the mental barrier I have in place, but I keep running.

I've come full fucking circle. I'm running through the woods once more, a betrayer to my pack, to my Alpha. But this time it's different. This time, I'm not fleeing, I'm not going to cross states.

No, this time I'm going to fix what I've broken. I'm going to figure this shit out and when I do, someone is going to pay heavily.
