Page 59 of Raiding Road

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Chapter twenty-six

‘Let the Chaos Reign’ Pop Evil


When I was a kid, there was this kid in our pack who has a terrible habit of hunting alone. We could all tell that he had a dominant wolf inside him, even before he was able to shift. But the kid was lanky and short; he felt he had something to prove to everyone. So, he'd sneak off and try to hunt the biggest game he could think of...a grizzly bear.

Unfortunately for him and his ego, he was never able to find anything bigger that wild rabbits, the predatory creatures much smarter, but one day, he found himself caught in one of the pack traps. Luckily, me, Case, and Atticus followed him on his crazy adventure.

When a grizzly saw that the boy was trapped, it decided to attack. Now this wasn't a shifter, no, this is a natural animal, but his fight seemed so supernatural that it was the first time I could remember feeling fear.

Of course, I was a just a kid myself, and still unable to shift yet, so my fear was heightened. Still, I've never felt the fear I felt that day fighting off a wildly grizzly bear with only my brothers and our wits...

Until this moment.

Jaz gets tackled to the floor by beastly Knix and Knox. I'm too far from her to do anything and stuck in my own battle against a new monster. Atticus fights against another gruesome creature while Case takes on two. This is un-fucking-real right now.

From the corner of my eye, I see Jaz roll from underneath Knix, dodging a claw swipe from Knox. Her Alpha wolf surfaces, it's green-like flames protecting her like an invisible barrier between her body and the attacks coming at her. It doesn't deter the K twins, however. It only seems to anger them, pushing them both to fight harder, using their vampiric abilities to further advance on my mate.

Grabbing my own adversary by the throat, I slam my fist into his face. Once, twice, three times, then I ram my knee into his gut repeatedly. The sounds of his bones breaking and his heart stopping, sends me into an even darker rage. This should never have happened to my pack. This evil should have never stepped foot here.

I should have motherfucking caught it in time. Jaz feared she would bring trouble to my doorstep, but the unfortunate fact is evil was already here, it's time I let my own darkness break free.

I kick the body away from me andpartial shiftinto my Werewolf. Black fur sprouts all over my body, my muscles bulk up, and my height rises. My clothes rip, my t-shirt falling to the floor as my neck widens and my head shifts into my wolf. I stand on two legs still, my fingers lengthen, and nails sharpen. My ears become pointed and move upwards as my mouth and nose become a wolf's snout. Pin slices through my jaw and gums as my human teeth elongate into razor sharp fangs.

I swivel around, taking in the battle before me, angered once more to see Blow laying on the floor unconscious, his body covered in black scaly like skin. His blood is blackened and thick, slowly dripping from the wounds Case must have given him in order to take him down. His mother flashes in my mind's eye, the unimaginable amount of pain they'll feel when they learn of his death.

Let out a murderous roar. My alpha power slams into the creatures and knocking them all over. But of course, they don't stay down long, I’ve exerted myself immensely tonight and I’m not sure how long I can hold it for. Too bad for Sara, it's just enough time for me use my supernatural speed and grab her.

"YIELD!" I roar at her as she tries to flee, stopping her before she can turn into a pile of moths.

This power in my voice, makes my normal Alpha commands feel like child's play. It's debilitating to anyone it's aimed at and the only time I've ever used it was when me, Case, and Atticus were first breaking away from our old packs. The Alpha I was under tried to submit me with his own commands, but he failed miserably the moment he dared test me. Now Sara will feel my wrath.

The Witch falls to her knees, a snarl on her face and a strenuous look in her eye, "It' no use fighting my Alpha power, Witch."

She tries to stand but I push more of my dominance outward before grabbing her by the neck. I slam her against the tops cabinets as I pop the cork off the little vile of our homemade truth serum and pour its contents down her throat.

“Drink and speak,” I command her, smiling at the painful growls and whimpers that come from her and the immobile beasts. I feel my mate join my side as I drop the Witch back to the floor. My brothers step up behind me, guarding our backs like a united front.A united power.

Are you okay?I ask Jaz through our mental link without taking my eyes off the angry Witch at my feet.

Yes, just pissed that I had to fight the K twins. I could tell they were trying to hold back, but they couldn’t fight off whatever this bitch did to them.I can feel Jaz’s fury through our bond, making my own ten times hotter.

She will pay, darlin’.

"Tell me what you did with Sara," I snarl to the Witch as I squat down to her level and forcing her to look into my blazing eyes, "how long have you been hijacking her body?"

The Witch cackles through the strain as she answers, "Years!"

Jaz drops down next to me. She covers her mouth with her hand, black blood stains her skin as tears slide off her lashes, "How? Fuckingwhy?!"

The Witch curls her lip, baring her teeth, "She came to us when she was just a little girl, looking for a way to find a true mate for Atticus after he was betrayed. Her youthful hope and love were easy to manipulate. She was so blinded by her optimism to help her favorite Alpha that she didn't see the danger she willingly walked into. She didn't realize she brought us just what we had been searching for, the Sons of the Ancients. The True Alpha pack."

Jaz stand quickly, slamming her boot into the Witch's face before quickly grabbing both of the Witch's hands and snapping them at the wrists. A Witch is practically useless without their hands. It's what helps them weave their magic. Sure, she could still speak the words, cause physical pain to someone, but for us Alpha's, it'll take more than Witch-speak to harm us.

As the bitch screams in pain, her black blood pouring from her broken nose, Jaz gets in her face, shaking off the grip I put on her arm, "You’re a fucking monster! You killed a child! Your bones will be sharpened and used to kill every ballsack member of your coven!"

Atticus growls painfully from behind me, making Jaz turn to him, "Threats. Such a weak show of dominance," the Witch gurgles as she turns her eyes back to my brother, "I took the body of the little girl you taught how to walk. The little bitch who told all her school bullies you were her big brother."
