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He let it connect with his now reddening cheek, I know he could block it. Geoffrey said he’s the strongest fighter on this ship, he’s undefeated, he could easily have stopped me.

He says nothing which only angers me further. My rage takes hold and I lunge for him, ready to kick, bite, slap, claw, and pinch everything I can through a red mist that has settled over my vision.

“I hate you!”

He grabs my wrists, pushing them away at the last second and I stumble but turn again.

“You can’t win a fight like that,” he remarks calmly, twisting my arm behind my back. “You can’t defend yourself like that either.”

I growl with frustration, ignoring the ache in my shoulder while shuffling in an attempt to leave.

“You say this is my fault? I disagree. We gave Niall plenty of warnings. He didn’t even make you take a self-defence class. He knew we were coming for you.” His lips press against the shell of my ear. “I might be the lowest of the low but your Niall is weak. He’s a pathetic, lying, weak, tiny cop with little dick syndrome. He’s the reason you’re here, not me. I’m doing what I know to get the results I want. Fuck… he loves you so much but he hasn’t even called his cop buddies to help. He hasn’t called it in at all.”

“What?” His words sober me by just enough for my rage to dissipate.

“He loves you, yet he’s not brave enough to meet me on his own to trade you for the information.”


“You’re still here because he’s a fucking coward.”

“Let go of me.” He does so and I fall forward, nearly collapsing onto my knees as I rub my shoulder to get the blood circulating again.

“He’s a coward, Rain.”

“And you’re a fucking psychopath. I’ll take the coward any day.”

I leave the bridge and make my way back to my old room. I don’t want to be near him anymore. Not at all.

I wake in the morning to an escort outside of my cell which has remained unlocked all night. It’s another man who doesn’t speak much English but smiles kindly at me as I leave and nods for me to lead the way.

“Where’s the bathroom?” I ask, hoping he understands.

He does and leads me beyond the berthing quarters and to the shared toilets. I relieve myself and then ask him for a toothbrush which he produces seemingly out of thin air. I can’t go without brushing my teeth.

After this I follow him to the canteen and help myself to breakfast where I come across the scowling woman who I saw the first day I was taken to Captain. She was angry to see me then and she’s angry to see me now.

She’s one of the cooks, serving food onto the men’s trays as they line up.

She serves me my grey-looking porridge and nods for me to continue. I try for a smile but receive none in return. I don’t know why I expected differently.

I eat my porridge at a table with the unnamed silent guard and then make my way to Geoffrey to kill a few hours. I warn him though that I’ll not be handling any more chemicals and he just laughs, and laughs, and laughs.

I however find nothing funny.

And then my mood dramatically sours when at around three in the afternoon, Clunk comes for me. He demands my presence and, at first, I think he’s going to take me to Captain, but instead he takes me to the exercise quarters and straight to a gym mat.

“Drop and give me twenty.”

“Mate, really? I couldn’t even give you ten with these chicken arms.” I flap my non-existent biceps at him.

“Exactly.” He stands at the edge of the mat, smirking at me as though I’m hilarious. “We’ll get you warmed up and teach you some self-defence moves.”

“It’s not like I have anything else to do.”

“You’re so grateful.”

“Yes, because I should be grateful to a man who aided in my kidnapping and allowed another man to grope me in his presence.”

Clunk shrugs. “Don’t care, don’t like you, just following orders.”

An hour later I crawl back to my cell and die on the rubber mattress.

The days are dragging and my body is dying. I’m tired of this food, this life, this everything. Geoffrey can’t even keep me entertained anymore and he’s trying his best. We grew crystals in Clunk’s boots overnight in a little prank and listened to him cry out the next morning when he put them on.

He spiked Roger’s food with a powerful laxative that blocked one of the toilets in the berthing quarters on the other side of the ship.

He even swiped a pair of binoculars for me so we could go whale spotting.

We’ve seen no whales since then.

I fucked up, majorly. I should never have hit him or spoken to him like that. Any chance of surviving this just got slimmer.
