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I was just so angry and upset. I don’t know what came over me.

Though he did send Clunk to teach me self-defence every day since. If he’s planning on killing me, why teach me things to use in the future?

Maybe he’s not, maybe he simply just wants the information?

With that in mind, I leave Geoffrey in his lab and go after the captain. I don’t even care if he has forgiven my outburst because I’ll never forgive him for what he has done even if he lets me go.

“Let me talk to him,” I declare the second I step into the darkened room. I knew he was in here before I entered because one of his pairs of boots are outside the door, waiting to be polished. His usual pair.

I’m surprised to find him sitting at the table, poring over paperwork, looking more professor than pirate with his hair hanging around his face and his turtleneck jumper up to his jaw, a soft beige colour that looks so warm and inviting in the dim light.

He looks up and raises a brow at me. “Talk to whom?”

He even sounds like a professor right now. “Niall. You want the info, right?” When he nods, I continue, “If you give me your word that you’ll return me home, or close to it with the means to get home, I’ll convince him to give you the info.”

His gaze bores into me as he leans back and clicks his neck by moving it side to side.

“All I need is your word.”

Green eyes glitter. “My word means nothing.”

“It’ll mean something to me.” I use what he said to me days ago against him.

His lips twitch as he stands and rests against the table, crossing his feet at the ankles. “What do I get in return?” My confusion must show because his smile stretches and I know exactly what he’s referring to.

“The information you need and no more having to deal with me.”

He nods thoughtfully. “That is fair, I will admit. But…” Licking his lips, he hooks his thumbs over the edge of his black trousers and looks at me suggestively. “I can’t trust your boyfriend.”


“He’ll lie to get you back.”

I part my lips. “He wouldn’t.”

“He already did, twice in fact. I called his bluff.”

“What is this information that’s worth my life?” I murmur but decide to leave that topic for now. I need to focus on the sunrise looming on a metaphorical horizon that is my freedom. “Never mind, just… give me your word you’ll help me get home safely and I’ll do what I can.”

“Kiss me and I will.”

I throw up my hands, all good feelings gone. “You’re a piece of work.”

“I know.”

“Forget it.”

“You know you want to.”

“Captain, if I wanted to, I would have,” I retort, flipping him the bird over my shoulder.

I’m almost out of the door when he calls after me, “Come here, Rain.”

The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end and a tingle crawls along my spine. “I’m done here.”

“I’m not.” His tone holds so many promises. “Aren’t you going to apologise?”

I gasp. Is he serious? “For what?”

“For hitting me?”

“Aren’t you going to apologise for kidnapping me?”

He smirks and steps towards me, forcing me to take a step back. “I guess that makes us even?”

“Not by a long shot.”

His smirk twists into a grin of mischief, it makes him look so young and seductive. “Don’t you like it here?”

“Is that a serious question?”

“You could be in worse places.”

“Just because it could be worse doesn’t make it any less so.” I’m ready to go back to my cell when he steps around me, blocking my escape.

“Have you been practising your self-defence?”

Nodding, I sharply retort, “You know I have.”

“So, if I was an attacker and I grabbed you like this…” His hands grip my wrists, holding them between us. The sudden movement startles me. I wasn’t ready for it or expecting it which is silly considering I’m on high alert around him. The sweet smell of whiskey and honey on his breath has me wanting to lick my lips. “How would you escape?”

I try to do the manoeuvre, bringing my knee up and pulling my hands down but he’s impossibly strong and quick.

I huff and he releases me. “Stop it.”

“But you like it when I touch you.” He spins me so quickly my eyes almost leave my head. My back slams against his chest as his hand trails along the edge of my shorts, his shorts. Even while I was in the cell, fresh clothing was brought to me daily after every shower. “Don’t you?”

I try to break out of this hold too, swinging my elbow back and dropping like a dead weight but he just lifts me into a cradle, laughing when I kick my legs to get free.

“You need to practise more,” he says, sobering and rubbing his eyes with the heels of his palms. “I trust the majority of my men to leave you alone, but Roger seems to have some sick fascination with you.”

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