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“I figured out how you can help me.” She edged a step closer and set the purse she’d been carrying on the coffee table. It made a heavy thunk, and Shane assumed in spite of her new girly ensemble she was still carrying the bow with her. Another step closer and he could smell the spicy fragrance he’d gotten a whiff of on her back in her bedroom. He stopped thinking about what was in her purse, because now he was in good range to be staring right down the front of her dress.

She looked up at him, and he forced himself to meet her earnest gaze. Siobhan nervous made Shane sure he wasn’t going to like what she had to say next.

“How can I help?” he asked, trying to move them both forward from the awkwardness of the moment.

Placing two hands firmly on his chest, Siobhan raked her short nails over his pecs and batted her lashes at him. It didn’t seem quite right, somehow, but there was no explaining that to his cock, which practically shot to attention at the lightest touch. He tried to step back, but her hands balled in his shirt and held him close.

“I need to sleep with you.”

“Uh…what happened to your moving speech yesterday about no romantic entanglements? Wasn’t that sort of a big deal? It sounded—” He stopped talking when she trailed a hand down his chest and her fingers touched his fly. He made a small whimpering noise.

“This doesn’t need to be romantic,” she said, some of the forcefulness he’d come to know returning to the surface. “I just need you to fuck me.”

“Well that’s plenty unromantic,” he replied. Meanwhile his cock was asking him where his brain was because he was making a mess out of the silver-platter offering standing before him.

Resistance is futile, it warned him.

Siobhan’s fingers hooked into his belt loops, and she tugged him toward

s her, his pelvis bumping against her stomach. “Don’t pretend you don’t want to.” She cupped his bulge, and it was his turn to blush.

“This is sort of…unexpected.”

She rose on her toes and kissed him, her mouth demanding and needy. His brain shut down the instant her lips met his. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her tightly against him and groaning into her mouth as the pressure on his erection proved almost too much to handle. Her tongue flicked against his in a greedy, coaxing kiss that promised to end only when he gave in to what she wanted.

Her dress was so short it took no effort at all for him to lift the hem over her hips, and he grabbed her round bottom in both hands, giving a rough squeeze. She made a small noise and fumbled with his fly, pausing briefly for them to both catch their breath.

Shane, panting and still groping her ass, opened his mouth again, much to the chagrin of his dick. “Not to sound like I’m complaining, but how is this going to help save your life?”

She’d managed to undo his zipper, and her hand played over the strained material of his boxers when she said, “They can’t kill me if I’m not a virgin.”

Shane’s cock, suddenly less eager, thought, You just had to ask, didn’t you?

Shane himself moved his hands in record speed from her ass to her shoulders and pushed her away, keeping her at arm’s length while he tried to redirect the blood flow from his crotch back to his brain. “I’m sorry, can you repeat that?”

“If I’m impure, they can’t sacrifice me.” Siobhan reached for him again, but he managed to keep her far enough away she couldn’t touch anything that might make him forget what he was doing. She gave him a confused look. “You want to fuck me.” She pointed to his dick, which was still mostly erect.

“Siobhan, look, just because my cock likes getting touched doesn’t mean this is a good idea. Believe me, if I left all the decision-making up to him, I’d sit around jerking off all day and my motto would be She’s better than nothing.”

Now she looked hurt, which hadn’t been his plan but gave him an opportunity to re-zip his pants. Awkwardly.

“I didn’t mean it like that,” he said.

“You don’t want to?” Self-consciously she covered her chest.

He paused, not wanting to stick his foot further into his mouth. How he’d managed to take a sure thing and crash it straight into the ground in a matter of seconds was something to marvel at. No other man in his right mind would say no to a smoking-hot redheaded virgin who was literally saying, Take me now.

“You’re gorgeous.”

“Great, so…” Her voice trailed off, and she gave a one-shoulder shrug. “I’m not sure how this is supposed to go. Should I have brought you chocolates or something?”

“Siobhan, I’m really flattered you want to, you know, have me deflower you. But this is sort of a serious thing.”


“It’s supposed to be special.”
