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Never stayed to help me mend the broken parts of me.

Did you know, when you broke my heart

No part of me was left unscathed.

Nothin’ left to feel?

Did you know, when you crushed my soul

You left behind an open wound

That never learned to heal?

Met another lover when I was twenty-three

She took my broken pieces, showed me what love should be.

Said, 'I do,' on the eve of twenty-four.

The pages in my book of life were cold and blank no more.

Became a dad, so blessed at twenty-five.

Wrapped up in the arms of love, my precious son would thrive.

Did you know, when you broke my heart

No part of me was left unscathed

Nothin’ left to feel?

Did you know, when you crushed my soul

You left behind an open wound

That never learned to heal?

Years have passed, now I’m old and gray.

Surrounded by the ones I love, I watch my grandkids play.

Time has come to leave this mortal plane.

Life's tapestry was rich and full, and love healed all my pain.

Peace cocoons me softly as I journey through the skies

My vast love travels with me, now I’ve cut all earthly ties.

Do you know, when you broke my heart

You sent me into different arms

That held me while I mourned

Do you know, when you crushed my soul

Her loving touch was strong enough
