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Chapter Three


Did the gorgeous angel sitting on our sofa just say what I think she said? That she wrote the song that won us a Grammy?

There’s no doubt about it. She’s stunning—despite the bruise that’s already blossoming on her cheek just below her eye. It’s not just her blonde, wavy hair, flawless skin, and delectable curves—she radiates an inner beauty that I want to capture in melody and tempo.

I give myself a mental shake, wondering what the fuck has gotten into me. She just tried to break in, for God’s sake.

Tanner runs a hand through his blond hair, a telltale sign that he’s unsettled. “That’s a big claim to make,” he says, his gaze is intent on her, just like Theo’s. Seems they’re feeling it, too, this strange pull she has.

“Give her a fucking minute,” Theo snaps, glaring at Tanner. “She’s just been punched in the face.”

Okay. That’s new. Theo is the most laid-back of the three of us. His dark good looks, easygoing humor, and warm hazel eyes put people at ease. He already seems protective of our unexpected guest.

Our blonde beauty looks up at Tanner from wide, blue eyes. Wait. Our blonde beauty? Where the fuck did that thought come from?

“I’m sorry. I know this isn’t the best way to go about things, but I’ve been driving for over four hours, and I didn’t expect it to be so easy to get in here, so I thought I’d just knock and ask to see you, but then those overgrown chimps started manhandling me and—"

She stops, sucking in a breath, her blue eyes moving between the three of us. Tanner is frowning, and I know security will catch hell for her being able to get in so easily. He’s anal about protecting our privacy. Having security became a necessity when we got famous—too many fans out there who are nuttier than squirrel shit.

But our would-be ‘intruder’ doesn’t give off any of those vibes. I don’t know how, but I know she’s not mentally unstable.

“Where are you from?” Theo asks.

“Cheverly, Maryland.”

“What’s your name?” Tanner asks abruptly.

“Maggie. Maggie Drake.”

“And you’re saying you wrote ‘Better Than Me?’” he asks suspiciously.

It’s clear Tanner doesn’t trust Maggie—but can I blame him? We know nada about her. My instincts tell me she’s genuine, but what do I know about women? Only what I’ve learned through Theo and Tanner, who aren’t the best role models when it comes to meaningful relationships with the opposite sex.

Maggie nods, tipping her chin up. “I don’t claim to have written it. I did write it. I’ve brought the evidence with me. I entered a competition a few years ago, a management company looking for new songwriting talent. I never heard anything, so I assumed it wasn’t good enough. Then, last year, there you were on stage, singing my lyrics.”

“Why has it taken you this long to come forward?” Tanner asks, his eyes narrowed on her.

“I tried to get in touch with the management company, but I kept hitting dead ends. Then, life kind of got in the way. I’ve been supporting myself and my mom since I graduated high school, but,” she shrugs, her whole demeanor weary and sad as she speaks, “last night was the final straw.”

Tanner gives Maggie a thoughtful look. “The management company you’re referring to went bust. Another artist sued them for copyright theft. The company’s finances and reputation didn’t survive the payout when they lost the lawsuit.”

Maggie frowns. “I guess that would explain it.”

“What happened last night?” Theo asks, giving voice to the same question that’s burning on the tip of my tongue.

My eyes drop to Maggie’s plump lips as she blows out a breath. “Let’s just say I’ve been propositioned one time too many by my mom’s boyfriends. And husbands. And one-night stands.”

“Someone tried to hurt you?” I ask sharply. The idea has anger bubbling through my bloodstream.

“He grabbed my wrist, tried to get me in bed with him and my mom. I packed a bag and got out of there,” she grimaces, rolling her sleeve up a little and showing us the red marks on her wrist.

“Fucker!” Theo bursts out, hazel eyes flashing. “Sounds like you had a lucky escape.”

Tanner’s expression is unreadable. “We’ll need to discuss this with our lawyer. If you have the proof to back up your statements, you’ll be due royalties. It’s only fair. We’re not in the habit of screwing people over.”

Maggie nods. “I know. I mean, I don’t know you, but I’ve followed you since you started. You seem like decent guys.”
