Page 101 of Reborn a Queen

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“It’s not that type of bike,” Ryan said.

“Any bike is that type of bike if you’re trying to flee.” Carter sighed. “Shit, we shouldn’t have let her end us. We’ve all failed her.”

“I failed her. You three didn’t,” Ryan said and sighed. His warm breath causing a cloud of steam around his face from the cold Winter air.

“We all failed her Ryan.”

The Gods failed her,was what I wanted to say. Because if they allowed this to work as it did in the other lives, she would have her angels protecting her as we should be and not at a distance.

But I couldn’t tell them that. I couldn’t tell them she was always mine. But we were all secretly plotting. “I’m going to be honest, but then I feel I have all along. I wanted her for myself and I think you’re all secretly wanting that, too. That’s where we all went wrong. We forgot what we are here for.”

“LACEY!”Kane shouted as he turned to look into the piece of land.

I flashed my torch into the grassed field area, overgrown with thickets of weeds as high as my thigh went before it. Kane didn’t stop and look, he sprinted into the grass. Pushing away the larger and heavyset weeds as he vaulted through.

We followed in his footsteps as he trampled the pathway ahead.

Flashes of light scanned over to the forest, some from the moon, as it cast a shimmer of light and broke through the canopy of trees.

“Follow the tracks of the bike,” Ryan shouted as he tried to keep up.

We’d told him to remember the pain wasn’t real, but Ryan already knew that. He knew more about this magic shit than any of us. He was the master of the knowledge, and we respected him for that.

“I am,” Kane yelled as he strode through the long grass in lengthened strides. He was getting faster and faster, almost gliding through the thickened weeds. Waving his arm in the air. “Over here, quick.”

I rushed over to the same area, seeing Lacey’s bike on the ground, but she was nowhere around. The bike was in two bits as though someone had used a chainsaw blade.

There was no way that a bike would snap in two like that.

“Lacey!”I yelled, because that sight was unnerving.

Hearing a soft groan. Three sets of lights flashed to the sound. I held my hand over my mouth and muffled the noise of my relief.

“Call an ambulance, quick,” Kane shouted. I looked over to where he was, seeing him crouched low, his torch on the floor and Lacey groaned as her head rested against a tree. Nausea skated up to my throat. I wanted to throw up, instead I swallowed it down.

I leaned down and stroked her cheek. “We’ve found you Lacey, an ambulance will be here soon.”

“My leg,” she whispered, blowing out ragged breaths. “It hurts so much.”

“Why isn’t she healing herself?” Carter said.

“I don’t know,” Ryan said. Normally he had all the answers, but right now he seemed nervous as hell. “I’m going to stand on the road and wait for the ambulance.”

“Kane, I think I’m dying,” she uttered her words. The faint sound was frightening.

“Fuck Lacey, you’re not dying. You’re stronger than this,” Kane growled.

“I’ve never hurt this much before.” Her voice still strained as her head dropped and her eyes closed. “Is he still here?” she asked just before her eyes closed.

I glanced around.

“OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES!” Kane screamed.

“Don’t talk to her like that,” I shouted at Kane. “She needs an ambulance, and real help. Not some arsehole shouting at her.”

“She needs to stay awake, arsehole!” Kane yelled.

"I'm not going to sleep, I'm trying to get rid of the pain," Lacey whispered.
