Page 106 of For Your Love

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“We won’t be late.” Finn squeezed her hand. “Everyone who’s attending the gala is stuck in a car. It adds to the excitement.”

“If you say so. I know LA traffic, but this is crazy.” She decided to change the subject. “So, you saw your Mom today?”

“We had lunch together.”

“Did she have a good time on her vacation?”

“She did. She’s happier than I’ve seen her in years.” He paused before saying, “She met someone.”


“His name is Blake Adams and he’s a big rancher in Montana.” He shook his head, saying, “I’m protective of her, so before this goes any further, I’m going to have to check this cowboy out.”

“They just met, Finn. Dial down your alpha male. You’ll scare him away.”

“I haven’t scared you away,” he said, kissing her hand.

“Never.” With a sigh she said, “And you returned Alfie. I’m going to miss him.” She’d gotten so used to having him around, it would take some time to adjust to not having Alfie nearby while she worked on her computer.

“We can always visit him, but we can get our own dog, if you want one.”

“Getting a dog together is a serious commitment,” she said, looking up at him.

“It is. But I think we’re ready for that, don’t you?”

The question hung between them. He was talking about more than just getting a dog; it was their future together. For many couples, getting a dog was a first step to forging a permanent relationship. Was she ready for that right now? “We’ll see.”

Camera flashes up ahead meant they were getting closer to the hotel.

Finn held her hand in a tight grip. “Ignore any questions the press might ask about us, or my father.” His expression was stern.

“I’ll just smile and pretend I don’t hear any questions.”

Finn lifted her hand to his mouth and gave her a gentle kiss.

During the remainder of the drive, Finn was attentive, sharing with her about who she would meet at the gala. When the limo parked in front of the red carpet, Finn said, “Don’t be nervous. There’ll be lots of camera flashes and shouts. Focus on me. You’re beautiful and I’ll never leave your side, so you have nothing to worry about.”

“Thanks,” she said, as the butterflies in her stomach settled down.

A valet opened the door and Finn left the car with confidence, buttoning his jacket. He held a hand to her, and she stepped out, blinded by all the camera flashes. She blinked and tried to get her bearings and was grateful for Finn’s strong hand guiding her. They were escorted to an event backdrop covered with the foundation’s logo. Finn kept his attention on her, which helped. Despite the chaos around them, it was if they were in their own bubble.

From the front, a reporter shouted, “It’s Finn O’Connor and Colleen Murphy.” Colleen turned when her name was called. It was surreal to be called out by name.

Another reporter cried, “Colleen! Has your family forgiven Patrick?”

“Are you two getting married?”

“How do you feel about being Finn’s latest hookup, Colleen?” asked another.

Colleen squinted to see who asked that last question.

“That’s enough,” Finn growled, taking Colleen by the hand and toward the hotel in long strides.

Is this how it would always be if she went out with Finn? She didn’t want herself or her family under this kind of scrutiny.

Once inside the hotel, a few people gave them a cursory glance, but most were too busy getting drinks and chatting. Thank goodness no one seemed to care who she was in here.

Music, laughter, and tinkling glasses from the ballroom meant the party was underway. Taking a deep breath, she shifted her attention from all the craziness outside to focus on the social aspect of the gala.

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