Page 107 of For Your Love

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“Colleen,” Finn said, taking her hand in his, “They toss those bullshit questions out on purpose. They’re just trying to get a reaction from you. I’m proud to be with you. That’s all that matters.”

She looked up at him with a smile. Once again, he’d anticipated her mood. “It’s just so strange. They shout out personal things as if what they ask doesn’t matter.”

“You have no idea how invasive the press can be.”

“I remember you telling me that when we were at NYU.”

His eyes burned with conviction. “They’re scumbags with no conscience. Just ask my mom sometime.”

“I can’t even imagine,” she said, taking a look around. Did everyone here have to go through the press gauntlet?

“Now let’s go be social,” he said, and his grin was contagious. “We’ll have a couple of drinks, eat a fancy dinner, listen to boring speeches, and dance our asses off to Motown.”

“And then what?”

His eyes lingered over her body. “Then I’ll take you home and back to our life.”

She loved the sound of that. This evening was a fleeting moment; they had the rest of their lives together. And that’s what mattered most. Colleen took his hand. “Let’s go find the champagne.”

The ballroom of the Mayfair Hotel was a gorgeous setting: soaring ceilings, cream-colored damask-covered windows, and each of the tables had an over-the-top floral arrangement of late summer flowers.

Colleen and Finn were the last to join their table.

“Nice to see everyone. Sorry we were held up in traffic.” Finn pulled out Colleen’s chair.

An older man with dark hair and unsmiling eyes got to his feet.

Finn made the introductions. “Reed, I’d like to introduce Colleen Murphy. Colleen, this is Reed Chilton, president of the board of the foundation.”

“Nice to meet you, Ms. Murphy,” he said, shaking her hand. His words were polite, but there was a definite superior undertone. “I understand you and Finn have known each other for years?”

“Yes,” she answered. Nothing like getting straight to the point. It was time to be equally direct in her response. Without wavering, she looked at him straight in the eye and said, “Since we were kids. Finn and his mother are two of my family’s dearest friends.” She deliberately left out any mention of Patrick O’Connor. “My father isn’t with us anymore, but he was extremely proud to be a friend and mentor for Finn.”

Reed lifted his chin and gave her a curt nod. “Very good. Now if you’ll excuse me,” he said, turning his attention to his wife.

“Nice to meet you, too,” she said in a cheerful voice, taking a look around the table as she took a seat. The women were dressed to the nines in designer gowns and jewelry and the men were resplendent in expensive tuxedos. No rental formalwear at this event.

Once Finn had made all the introductions, he sat next to her and squeezed her hand under the table. She gave him a reassuring smile. “You did great,” he said in a whisper. They were seated with the upper echelon of the foundation. She’d have to be on her game to charm everyone here.

“He’s really remarkable, you know,” a male voice said on her left.

She took a close look at the man with gray hair. Shit, she forgot his name already.

“I’m Ben Corcoran,” he said, holding out his hand. “And I’m referring to Finn.”

“I’m sorry,” Colleen said, shaking his hand. “It’s hard to remember everyone’s name. But yes, I agree with you about Finn.”

“He puts in long hours and does impeccable work for the foundation.”

Colleen’s heart swelled with pride. “He cares deeply about his work.”

“He has a promising future,” he said, raising a glass to her.

After dinner, the music started, and true to his word, Finn danced with her as long as she wanted to.

The music shifted to a slow song.

Finn took her in his arms. He held her close to his hard body. She leaned her head against his chest, feeling his heartbeat. It felt like coming home.
