Page 44 of For Your Love

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“That was a long time ago. Please don’t judge my present character on tabloid gossip from the past.” Finn tried to keep his voice even. Reed might bear Finn no ill will, but he clearly had his doubts that Finn could behave like an adult.

“Good. That’s what I want to hear,” he said, slapping his hand on the table. “I’m a family man. I don’t want the slightest hint of scandal hanging over the foundation. That’s why I wanted to talk to you and make sure you bring a date.”

“Sure. No problem.” Obviously, the only woman who came to mind was Colleen.

“I’m looking forward to it. I want it to be the most important event of the year.”

“I’m sure it will be a huge success,” Finn said, shaking Reed’s hand and giving his most charming smile.

Back in his office, Finn picked up the top folder and read through the background information of a new case. His computer pinged with an incoming email.

Clicking his inbox, he spotted an email from John Dormer, his father’s attorney. It wasn’t surprising Dormer should be the go-between for communication between Finn’s father and Finn. He scanned the message long enough to learn his father requested a meeting with him. “No fucking way,” he grumbled, hitting the ‘delete’ button.



After hours of being lectured to and observing Kiki schmooze with existing and potential clients, Colleen dragged her ass back to O’Connor Tower.

“Good evening, Ms. Murphy,” David, the doorman chirped.

“Hi, David. It’s good to be home,” she said, happy to leave the hot streets behind and step into an air-conditioned building.

Once she arrived at her apartment, she opened the door to see Sean and Ana laughing together in the kitchen.

“Hi, Colleen,” they said in unison.

“Hey,” Colleen returned, setting her tote bag on the couch.

“Here,” Ana said, coming from the kitchen to hand a champagne flute to Colleen.

Ana clinked glasses with Colleen. “Congratulations on your first day on the new job.”


Ana and Sean had been dating for a couple of years. Colleen had met her when Sean brought her home to LA. Ana Morales was a petite brunette with shortdark hair, wide brown eyes, and a dimpled smile. Her parents were from Puerto Rico, and she was a communications specialist in Sean’s office.

“Welcome home,” Sean said, waving a wooden spoon. “We’re making enchiladas.”

“We want to hear all about your job.” Ana said, returning to the kitchen.

“Let me get changed. I’ll be right back.”

While Colleen took a quick shower, her thoughts turned to Finn. She’d been busy all day and hadn’t had a chance to think of him and Ashley. Maybe she’d call him tomorrow and mention she met Ashley and see how he responded. For now, she only wanted to eat dinner, dive into the piles of reading Kiki assigned her, and go to bed early. She pulled her wet hair into a ponytail and changed into slouchy drawstring pants and an oversized gray tank top.

Heading to the kitchen, she paused. Finn sat at the breakfast bar, looking relaxed, dressed in sport shorts and a casual shirt, holding a bottle of beer. Turning around, he gave her a wide, welcoming smile. His entire face lit up when he saw her.

While her heart banged against her chest, Colleen tried to pull herself together. Finn’s welcoming expression completely disarmed her. She would have to put her guard up until she gauged his history with Ashley.

“Here she is,” Sean said, handing Colleen her glass of champagne. “Congratulations again, Coll. How was your first day?”

Taking a sip of champagne, she said, “It could have gone better, but it wasn’t bad.”

“Do you like it?” Finn asked.

“I don’t know yet,” she answered, avoiding looking at him. Instead, Colleen focused on Ana. “So you guys made dinner together?”

“Yeah,” Ana replied, shifting her eyes between Colleen and Finn.

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