Page 50 of For Your Love

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“I do,” Finn said. “I’ll always be grateful for our friendship and his guidance.”

She’d been honest with him, and now she had an important question for Finn. “Now, it’s my turn.”


“You said you weren’t dating Ashley, and I believe you. You told me you didn’t have a girlfriend, but I used to read tabloid stories about you dating a lot of different women. You were the darling of the press even after your dad’s arrest.”

Finn grimaced. “Returning to New York for law school was a circus. Any date I went on was a spectacle. But that was a long time ago.” His eyes fixed on hers, making it impossible to look away. “I never met anyone who held my interest. Anything else you’re curious about?” he asked.

“No,” she answered, fidgeting with her napkin. “I’m good.”

“Ready for dessert?” His voice was low as his eyes studied her.

Colleen’s cheeks burned, feeling like she was going to be his dessert. “I hope it’s ice cream.”

“That would ruin the surprise,” he said over his shoulder as he walked inside.

Although she didn’t mean to, Colleen found herself staring at his ass as he walked away. She fanned herself with her hand and took a deep gulp of water to cool down. She was glad they cleared the air about the past. There was so much uncertainty about her future, but she also had a strong sense that she should be following her instincts, rather than logic. The many what ifs danced around the edges of her mind.



Finn returned to the terrace, holding two white bowls.

She peered into the bowl at the pink ice cream. “What flavor is it?”

He handed her a spoon. “I was at Cora’s and thought it would be fun to try something different.”

She smelled a hint of berry. “Is it strawberry?”

“It’s strawberry-passion fruit.” He swirled the spoon around the ice cream.

“Why not stick with our favorites?”

“Because it’s new to both of us,” he said, holding a spoonful of ice cream to her mouth.

Was he offering her a new ice cream flavor, or a new beginning? She placed her lips around the spoon, the tart strawberry bursting with flavor on her tongue.


“Mmm. It’s really good. Try it.” She scooped a spoonful, holding it up to him.

Finn took a mouthful. “It’s interesting. The strawberry is sweet, but there’s also a hint of something else, an enticing flavor.” He held out another spoonful to her. “More?”

She took another spoonful.

“Which one do you prefer?” he asked. “The vanilla in the salted caramel ice cream, or something with more passion?”

“Umm—” She wasn’t sure if he was referring to ice cream flavors or something else. It was passion she wanted, and she knew, without a doubt, that Finn would give it to her.

“This isn’t a test. Take your time before you decide.” His eyes were alert, waiting for her answer.

“I’ll have to think about it,” she said, her pulse racing.

“That’s a sensible response, but I’ve already made up my mind.” Finn fiddled with his phone until Prince’s distinctive falsetto sang the opening lines to “Kiss.”

“Dance with me,” Finn said, taking Colleen by the hand and leading her inside to the living room. Pulling her close to him, his expression was inquisitive, as if he was seeking permission for more than a dance.
