Page 52 of For Your Love

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“I might have been a little drunk that time we were together in the park, but everything I said was real for me.” His eyes darkened with desire. “I wanted you that night. I still do.”

“I still do, too.” Instinctively she relaxed. All the armor she held so tightly around herself for years could fall away because of the way he looked at her. All she had to do was to let go. She trusted Finn and believed she could trust him with her body. “Is this really happening with us?”

“It is.” He kissed her again.

Colleen savored the touch of his lips against hers. This time it was Colleen who deepened the kiss, lifting his shirt to run her hands over his bare back.

“Hey,” he said, giving her a few gentle pecks. “You’re going to have to stop that.” He gently pulled her arms away. “Unless you changed your mind?”

“No,” Colleen said in a hushed voice.

“I won’t push you. I’ve waited too long to scare you away.”

“Why would you scare me away?”

Finn’s eyes traveled brazenly down her body. “I can be pretty demanding.”

Colleen’s arousal sparked as she imagined what his definition of demanding meant. She was curious, but still not ready.

“Don’t leave. We can watch TV, listen to more music, or play a game,” he added, leaning in close.

“What kind of game?”

“A board game.”

“Not Dungeons and Dragons.”

“Scrabble.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Interested?”

Scrabble was her jam and Finn knew just how competitive she could be. “I’m in,” she said, shaking his hand.




Finn blinked his eyes open. His muscles were stiff, and then he remembered it was because he had wrapped Colleen in his arms all night. But she wasn’t on the couch with him.

Something scattered on the kitchen floor.

“Dammit,” Colleen said from the kitchen.

Finn yawned with a grin. She must be trying to make coffee. He got to his feet and wandered into the kitchen. “Need some help with that?” Coffee beans covered the counter and had fallen onto floor.

“I woke you up. Sorry,” she said, smoothing out her wrinkled dress. “I wanted to surprise you with some coffee, but I couldn’t figure out your coffee maker and now I’ve made a mess. Why don’t you own a Keurig machine like everyone else?”

“Because it makes lousy coffee. Here,” he said, guiding her to a stool on the other side of the counter, “I’ll make us some coffee.”

Colleen took a seat while Finn swept up the beans. He ground fresh beans and started the pot of coffee.

“I never should have let you talk me into playing Scrabble and watchingFriendsall night,” she said.

“You’re the one who insisted on playing a third game to break the tie,” Finn said, taking out a couple of coffee mugs.

“Yeah, well, what difference did it make?”

“You gave it a good effort,” he said.
