Page 72 of For Your Love

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“Art appreciation was my favorite class at the Stony Brook Adult Education program. But we haven’t had a teacher for a year. So now we meet informally in our homes. Molly’s one of our group.”

“What do you do in these meetings?”

“We discuss our favorite artists, cities we’ve visited and the art we’ve seen there, or we watch documentaries on artists. Today we’re taking a field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We’ve each chosen a work of art to study in advance. Today, we’ll share what we’ve learned with the others.”

“That sounds like fun,” Colleen said, sipping her coffee.

“You know what?” Daisy said, looking at Colleen. “You should join us.”

“I don’t know. I’m flattered you asked, but I think I’d get in the way.”

“You’re a qualified art history teacher and your insights would be appreciated.”

She was tempted. She’d never been to the famous museum and it would be fun to be their teacher for one day. “I’m supposed to take care of Alfie until Finn comes home.” To be honest, she’d prefer to spend the day at a museum with senior citizens than be with Alfie.

“He’ll be fine in his crate. We’ll be back in plenty of time for his supper. Please? We’ve already chartered a minibus.”

“When are you leaving?”

Daisy glanced at her watch. “We leave in an hour. We’ll pick you up at Molly’s.”

“I’ll be ready.”

It was mid-afternoon when the group arrived at their final stop: the Greek and Roman sculpture court. An airy space, it re-created the feel of a Roman garden, complete with statues and a fountain in the center. The air was filled with loud voices from several tour guides and clusters of visitors.

In addition to Colleen and Daisy, their group consisted of Ralph, William, Hester, and sisters, Abbi and Mimi. They were a lively group of retirees with definite opinions about art, and just about everything else.

Colleen checked her phone. Earlier, she took a selfie in front of the museum with the group and sent it to Finn. He replied:

My mom loves that group. Have fun. I can’t wait to be with you…naked. XX

A frisson of lust traveled through her body. She couldn’t wait to see him again.

Me too. XO

Colleen and the others followed Hester to gather around a large bronze statue. The label said this was a statue of the third century Roman emperor, Trebonianus Gallus. He was depicted in the traditional pose of emperors, with his right arm raised and a toga draped over his shoulder and left arm.

“Ahem,” Hester said, to get their attention. “I chose this statue because his face and body don’t look as idealized as the almost god-like representations of most classical statues.”

Colleen wasn’t familiar with this particular statue, but she’d seen many like it in college.

Abbi and Mimi were busy whispering and giggling together.

Colleen looked over her shoulder to see what they were talking about, but nothing caught her attention.

“I did a little research and learned that at this time in Roman history, the emperors weren’t part of the nobility and this portrait is intended to demonstrate the brute strength and power of Trebonianus Gallus. As you can see, his body is very large, and his face is—”

Now Abbi and Mimi were sputtering with girlish laughter

“What’s so funny?” Hester asked with irritation.

“If he’s so powerful,” Mimi said, pointing at the statue, “why does he have such a little pee-pee?”

Pee-pee? These were grown women for goodness sake.

Daisy and the others turned to Colleen.

“Well?” Ralph asked, looking at her over his half-glasses with a playful smile. “You’re the professor. Tell us what you know.”

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