Page 27 of Adam

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He sighs. Shakes his head. "Well, it's a damn shame. That Kit is something special."

Don't I know it.


June 25


"This is fantastic, Boone." I stare in awe all around the old barn that is in the early stages of being renovated.

She grins at me. "I knew you'd love it. It's going to be called The Love Knot. We'll host weddings and other parties here on the ranch. All the guys think it's stupid, but I've run the numbers and I think it can be a big success."

If Boone tells you she's run the numbers, you can bet she's correct.

In fact, betting, Boone and numbers all go hand in hand. It's insane the way her mind works, particularly when it comes to numbers. She was a math major in college with a minor in studio art. Yeah, she's unique to say the least.

"I know it’s a long way from finished, but I want to put in a dance floor over here and a place for a band or DJ to play music." She points to one wall made of weathered wood and a lot of dirt.

"We can put in a gazebo and a trellis of flowers for photos over here," she strides across the space and I follow. "The bar will be here, and behind it will be offices and space for the employees. I want this to be the most romantic and in-demand wedding location in Montana. And beyond."

I pause and look at her. This romantic, girly side is definitely unexpected. "I didn't know you were into romance," I say. I've had so many surprises in the last four days, this would hardly even make the list, but it's a different aspect to someone I thought I knew well.

"I'm not," she says in her usual matter-of-fact sort of way. "But, I want this place to be successful. It was my mom's dream to have a wedding business at the ranch. Calling it The Love Knot was her idea too." Boone’s voice trails off and I wait for her to speak again.

"I want to do it for her," she says, wistfully. Nowthisis a sentimental side of Boone.

"I'm sure she'd be thrilled with what you've got planned."

"Besides, I want to show those smartass brothers of mine I can run a successful business."

That's more like the Boone I know.

I look around the space. "How soon do you think it will be ready? Do you have any parties lined up?"

Boone chews the inside of her cheek. "I'm not sure. I’m planning to use the 4th of July barbecue as a way to highlight the possibilities, even though the barbecue is going to be on the other side of the lawn. I want people to see the kind of parties I can throw so they start thinking about getting married here."

She continues talking about her plans and I’m happy for her. It’s great to see Boone excited about her own business and I have no doubt it will be a huge success.

"That’s why I’m glad you’re here, I want to make this 4th of July party one to remember. Something that gets people talking."

This reminds me of my most recent text from my mother.What day is the hoedown? Did you get some overalls to wear?

I have not replied though it gives me particular delight to imagine what my mother would say if she knew the truth and got a glimpse of "the farm" where Boone lives.

"It sounds like you have things pretty well under control, Boone. I think the party will be awesome."

"Do you like it here?"

"Of course I do. It's beautiful. Like you've always told me it was."

"No," she shakes her head, "I mean do you like it at the ranch? Here in Chickadee Ridge?"

"Well, sure," I reply, trying to figure out what she's trying to get at. "The town is great. So cute. I love the little coffee shop we visited this morning." I study her for a moment. "It's not like you to care about anyone else's approval, even mine. What are you getting at?"

"I want you to help me."

"Isn't that why I'm here?" Why is she talking in puzzles like this?
