Page 41 of Adam

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The sun is setting, orange, yellow and red across the far horizon. Tears prick my eyes. I'm going to miss this. The relaxing evenings watching the sun set, happy that I'd spent a good day with Boone and all the new people I've met here.


My heart flutters and tears sting my eyes.

He's everything I never knew I wanted in a man. Funny, strong, brave. Loyal. And sexy as fuck.

But I can't have him.

I need to get out of here. I should go now.

Yes. I'll pack up and leave tonight.

Going to the closet to look for my suitcase, there's a tap on the door.

I know who it is.

I ignore the taps and haul out the suitcase, put it on the bed.

More taps.

Glancing at the door, I know it's not locked and if I don't open it, he'll just come in.

Bracing my foot and opening the door into it, my gaze meets his. Damn my heart. It stops in my chest. There's sadness in his eyes and I know I've caused it.

He glances at my foot blocking the door from opening further, then back at me.

"May I come in?"

"N-no, I don't think that's a good idea." I can't believe I manage to say. Every fiber of my being aches for him. To lean into his embrace and let him solve all my problems.

No, I tell myself. I need to solve my own problems. I've caused this mess and I'll fix it.

His eyes slant to the bed with my suitcase on top, then back to me. An eyebrow goes up. "Leaving?"

"Y-yes," I say, nearly choking on the word.

"Please don't," he says and my heart melts. I'm hurting him. Hurting me.

"It's all too much," I say.

He rakes his hand through his hair.

"We can make this work, Kit. I can make this work. Just, please don't leave. Even if you don't want anything more to do with me," his dark eyes bore into mine, "which I don't think is true, but, if you leave, it will raise too many questions. The barbecue is only two days away."

"I’ll say there’s an emergency back home." Yeah, my broken heart needs mending.

"Please," he says, his eyes pleading and I feel even worse than before.

I sigh and nod. "My return flight is the 5th. I'll wait until then. But, please. Don't make this any harder than it already is."

He stares at me and so much hangs in the air between us. He licks his lips and I nearly give in.

"I thought you were different," he says, his voice low and filled with sadness, then turns and goes into his room.

* * *

