Page 14 of His Errant Ward

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“Good afternoon, Mr. Thwaite,” Tallie said. “It appears to be a fine day for a ride in the park. I am sure that all of London will be out. We ought not to keep them waiting.”

Chapter Five

Zander inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with afternoon air, and when he expelled it all, his shoulders relaxed for what seemed like the first time in weeks. Despite his earlier trepidation, it appeared all was back on track for Tallie and Lord Banyon. Thank heavens.

As soon as they mounted their horses and set out for Hyde Park, Tallie had transformed into the sweet and charming young lady he knew she could be. Once they met up with Lord Banyon and his mother, the foursome had set out to make the rounds to see and be seen. Tallie and Lord Banyon rode together ahead of Zander and Lady Banyon. From that vantage point, he could see the many admiring glances the couple got and even overheard snippets of conversation.

“What a handsome couple they make.”

“She has caught herself a fine husband. There has been much sadness amongst the eligible ladies of thetonsince their betrothal was announced.”

It was as though the weight of the world had been lifted off Zander’s shoulders. From all appearances, the application of ginger, ruler, and hairbrush to Tallie’s stubborn backside had been the winning combination to make her see sense and as he watched her smiling at Lord Banyon, he congratulated himself on a job well done.

Yes, it was the right thing to do, he told himself and tamped down the rising jealousy he felt when she smiled at her fiancé.

“It appears the children have smoothed things over,” Lady Banyon said. “I am so glad, as I look forward to all of us spending time together.” She glanced up at him from beneath her lashes, the underlying meaning of her words not lost on him.

He had no interest in getting involved with anyone, let alone his ward’s future mother-in-law, but not wishing to do anything that might damage relations between Tallie and Lord Banyon, he favored her with a smile and replied, “Yes, I am looking forward to that as well.”

The two of them slowed their pace in order to give Tallie and Lord Banyon a bit more privacy. They did make a handsome couple. Tallie in particular cut an impressive figure this afternoon wearing her riding habit and hat, sitting sidesaddle upon a chestnut mare.

“It seems everyone who is anyone is out this afternoon,” Lady Banyon said, giving a nod and a smile to a pair of ladies whom Zander recognized as some of the powerful patronesses of Almack’s. Nothing escaped their notice and their eyes were closely following Tallie and Lord Banyon. After a moment’s pause, the two ladies smiled and returned Lady Banyon’s wave. Zander could feel his companion’s relief. “They appear to approve of Tallie and Julius,” she said as soon as they were out of earshot of the two society matrons.

Finally, all seemed right with the world. Zander could rest assured that he had done well by his friend who had entrusted Tallie to him.

Looking up at Tallie and Lord Banyon, he noticed they were about to pass another grouping of highborn ladies. Everyone did seem to be out in the park this day. He observed with pride as the ladies gazed upon Tallie and Lord Banyon, appearing to endorse them as a couple.

Suddenly angry words disrupted the dignified afternoon ride. With a sinking heart, Zander recognized Tallie’s voice.

“I would not have you if you were the last man on earth.”

Next to him, Lady Banyon gasped and covered her mouth with her gloved hand. A glance to the society ladies nearby showed a similar reaction.

“You are a boor. I do not care how much money you have, you will never have me.”

To his horror, Zander sat frozen in place as he watched Tallie turn her horse around, give the mare a couple of taps with her riding crop, and take off at a rollicking and unladylike gallop. Before he fully realized what was happening, she had passed him and Lady Banyon, though she gave him a satisfied grin as she went flying by.


* * *

She did it! Oh, theglorious sensation of telling that oaf she would never marry him. And then the freedom of allowing her horse to have her head and gallop away, the air slashing at Tallie’s face, her heart pounding as loudly as the horse’s hooves upon the street.

There’d be hell to pay for her infractions and her bottom, which was not fully recovered from yesterday’s punishments, would surely bear the brunt of it. A few slaps with a ruler or hairbrush were well worth it to regain authority over her own life.
