Page 13 of His Errant Ward

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He turned back to look at her, and a soft laugh escaped his mouth. He held up his hand when she began to protest. “You have been raised to take your proper place in society, with a husband from a titled family and long history to match the Waltham line. A husband who will provide you with all the best life has to offer.”

“Until he finds out I am penniless.”

“The Banyon family has ample assets. By the time it all comes to light, I am sure he will be sufficiently taken with you not to care one jot.”

Tallie finished her drink and set the empty glass on the edge of the desk. The desk that had belonged to her father. Her father who might have been too kind for his own good. Everything had changed. She had awoken that morning believing herself to be the heiress to a substantial estate, but it was a lie.

“And if I still refuse to marry Lord Banyon?”

Zander blew out a breath between his lips. “Well, in addition to the damage to your reputation, word will soon get around town that you are not only a jilt, but nearly penniless. Your prospects for making any sort of marriage will be nonexistent. There might be a small amount of money left once the debts are paid. It could provide a modest income for you to live off of, but it will be nothing at all like the life to which you have become accustomed. You could supplement your income by becoming a governess or a companion for a widow.”

The realization of her situation washed over her like a shock of cold water. A companion for a widow? No, it could not be. Her hands began to shake as the truth settled in.

She clutched her hands together in her lap to still the tremors. Squaring her shoulders, she looked him in the eye and renewed her earlier statement. “I will not marry him, I tell you. I shall manage somehow.”

“Damn it, Tallie.” He slammed his hands flat on the desk and stood, the sudden noise and movement startling her. “How many times do I have to tell you until you understand? Do you think I am happy about this change in circumstances? Do you think I am proud of the job I have done as your guardian?” He raked his hand through his hair again. “I have failed my dearest friend and the faith he put in me. I will not allow you to go without. You will marry Lord Banyon.”

“Fine.” Tallie stood. “I shall become a lady’s companion. How does one go about it? I suppose I shall have to advertise for a position or perhaps you know of some lonely widow who needs assistance in selecting hats or going to the theater?” She walked to a writing desk and pulled out paper and pen. “Let me see... Educated young lady has fallen upon unforeseen situation. Seeks tepid relationship with woman who is barely on this side of the grave. Please contact etc., etc.” She examined the page. “There, I think that will do. What do you think?”

Zander yanked the paper from her hands, wadded it up, and threw it into the bin. Then he grabbed her by the shoulders, his fingers digging into the soft flesh there. “This is serious, Tallie. Dead serious. Your entire future is at stake. Stop this nonsense. You will marry Lord Banyon. I sent a messenger to his home this afternoon assuring him of your consent to the marriage. He has agreed. The date has been set for three days from now. Special license.”

“So, that is it then?” Somehow, she had never fully believed she and Zander would not be together. It was meant to be. Or so she had convinced herself.

“Yes, my decision is final. Lord Banyon and his mother have kindly agreed to go riding with us tomorrow in Hyde Park. It will be a fine opportunity for you to get to know your future husband. I hope you will take full advantage of this setting, as you are a fine horsewoman and no doubt Lord Banyon will be impressed by you. Please make certain that he is.”

“And if he is not?”

“I do not believe you will enjoy the consequences.” His gaze bore into hers. “I will be gone most of the day tomorrow as my friend Captain Wright has docked here in London and I intend to visit with him before we go riding.”

“So much the better for you for you to plan your escape,” she sniped.

“My point, Natalia, is that I will not be here to monitor you. I trust you will behave yourself and plan to comport yourself properly. I do not believe Lord Banyon will tolerate another outburst from you.”

“Well, then,” she said with a huff, “I had best get my beauty sleep. ‘Twould be a shame for the illustrious Lord Banyon to see me with unladylike bags under my eyes.” Gathering her dignity, she turned to leave the room. “Good evening, Mr. Thwaite.”

* * *

The following day,Zander waited in the drawing room for Tallie to join him before they went to the stables for their mounts. He had risen earlier than usual as sleep had eluded him throughout the night. Each time he had closed his eyes, visions of Tallie bent over the foot of her bed while he drove his finger in and out of her arse, her pucker taking the length of his index finger again and again, had plagued his memory. The muscles of her tight opening had clamped around his finger and his cock had throbbed as he considered shoving his manhood into the same snug passage.

He had tried everything he could think of to distract himself, but no matter what he did, he was haunted by the sights, sounds, and smells of their interlude in her bedchamber. Her moans of ecstasy echoed in his ears and when he conjured up the sight of her upon the bed, spent and satisfied, a sense of happiness washed over him, knowing he had taken her to the heights of pleasure.

When the first hints of daylight filtered through the windows, he dressed and made his way to the stables to give instruction for his and Tallie’s horses to be ready at the appointed time.

He was particularly grateful for the arrival of Captain Wright. Not only had he thoroughly enjoyed catching up with his sea captain friend, but it had served to distract him for most of the day. His head still swam with the captain’s tales from his travels. Wanderlust blossomed in his soul, though thoughts of Tallie tempered some of his yearnings.

And now, as the appointed time drew near, he glanced nervously toward the doorway, uncertain that Tallie would actually participate in this outing of her own accord. He straightened his jacket and glanced at the clock on the mantel. Five more minutes and then he would go in search of her, spank her stubborn arse, and dress her himself if need be. This was her last opportunity to make a go of things with Lord Banyon. Rumors were already spreading throughout thetonspeculating about the diminished fortunes of one Lady Natalia Waltham. If she did not marry Lord Banyon, Zander feared no suitable husband would be found for her. And she would be an abysmal lady’s companion.

He pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. Just a few more days until the wedding. Surely he could maintain control of the girl for that long.

Another glance at the clock and just as he was about to go in search of her, Tallie strode into the drawing room looking fresh and eager, every bit the well-bred lady about to set out for a ride in the park. Apparently she had fared better during the night than he had.

For some reason, that knowledge bothered him.

Had she not lost any sleep over the dalliance?

Then again, her calm and well-rested demeanor could also indicate an acceptance of Lord Banyon as her future husband, and was that not Zander’s objective?

He ought to be pleased. But, he was not.
