Page 24 of His Errant Ward

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“I know you said you did not wish to be disturbed,” Grace went on, wringing her hands, no doubt in fear of Tallie’s temper at having her instructions disregarded, “but it is getting late and I became worried. Please, do not be angry with me.”

Tallie continued to blink, adjusting to the sudden brightness of the room, her sluggish brain working to take in the situation after waking from a profoundly deep sleep. She had had the most incredible dream and she felt a slight blush form on her cheeks at the recollections of the naughtiness her unconscious had conjured.

“Thank you, Grace. I am not angry. I simply cannot believe I have slept so late,” Tallie said, stretching beneath the cool sheets and trying to recollect why she had told Grace not to disturb her.

Maintaining her composure despite the sudden surprise of realizing she was naked beneath the sheets, Tallie spoke to the servant. “Grace, I do believe I would like a few more moments to awaken properly. Would you please be so kind as to bring me tea and toast? Perhaps with some jam and a bit of sausage as well.”

“Of course, my lady.” Grace exited the room and as soon as Tallie heard the door close, she let loose the breath she had been holding. A thrill of excitement rushed through her.

It was no dream. No, the soreness in her arse made that clear.

She pulled the covers up over her head and closed her eyes for a moment, sensations, touches, and words flitting through her memory. She reached down to her cunny, recalling in vivid detail the way Zander had used his mouth to pleasure her there, the rasp of his whiskers rubbing against the tender flesh while his tongue invaded her intimately.

Her bottom ached from being used by his cock, as well as from the thorough spanking that he had administered to the tender flesh of her backend. A shiver of delight ran down her spine as she attempted to relive all of the indulgences that had occurred during their time together.

Somehow she had been returned to her own bedchamber. She had a hazy recollection of Zander carrying her down the hall and then tucking her into her own bed as the sun began to rise. More than anything, though, she was filled with surety, confidence, and absolute certainty that their night together had changed things forever. Though he had not said as much, she knew Zander had experienced the same euphoric connection she had. He had always felt their connection, no matter how much he tried to deny it. Deny her. Deny their destiny.

To her very core she believed they were meant to be together. She realized also that he would not allow himself to speak the words, but his actions, as was so often said, spoke more loudly than words.

The gentle way he caressed her cheek. The murmured words of encouragement and affection. Not to mention the way he had climaxed with such ferocity in her ass, down her throat, and all over her breasts.

She could not wait to see him again, to run to him and fling her arms around him, presenting her mouth for his searing kiss. But, first she had to get some clothes on before Grace returned. Though she trusted Grace, it would not do for her to try to explain to the ever observant abigail why she was unclothed.

Moving quickly, she got out of bed and padded across the room. She did not move as easily as usual, her body being stiff and sore in places she had not even been aware of prior to her night with Zander. She had sensed that was how it would be with him. Somehow, even with her lack of knowledge of what truly happened between a man and a woman, she had known deep in her soul being with Zander would be unlike anything she’d ever experienced before, or ever would. She had been sated, completed, used roughly and cared for tenderly, and felt utterly and entirely loved. Yes, loved. He loved her. Her confidence in that fact was unwavering.

And of course, she loved him. Though now those feelings had more depth and maturity. Yesterday she had been but a girl, her mind full of mere speculation and conjecture, hopefulness and daydreams. Today, she understood mature womanly affection. A soul-bonding, earth-shattering love.

She practically danced across the room imagining that now her life was wholly different. It was on an utterly new path. Lord Banyon—thank goodness she had dispatched him from her life in no uncertain terms. Even if her methods had angered Zander to the extreme. She and Zander were meant to be together and now he knew it as well. She found a night lawn, slipped it on, and scurried back into the bed where she again pulled the sheets over her head, reliving in her mind part of what had transpired hours before.

Goose flesh broke out over her arms as she inhaled another time, experiencing all over again the intimate acts they had shared.

Instantly it seemed, her breasts felt heavy, her nipples hardened, and a heated longing built in her quim. Her heart pounded, anticipating their next coupling. Her only regret about the night before had been Zander’s insistence he not breach her virginity.

Though he had pushed his fingers inside, giving her just a tantalizing taste—so to speak—of what it would be like to have his large cock shoved into her and burst through the burden of her hymen.

She would have Grace style her hair and choose a gown that she knew was a particular favorite of Zander’s to wear for dinner, when she expected to see him again. This time, when their eyes met, everything would be different, for she had a new knowledge—new womanly knowledge—of herself and of the world, most particularly of him. No longer an innocent naïve schoolgirl, she was a woman of the world. She needed her man.

Much as she wished to rush downstairs and look for him, she refrained. No, that was the sort of thing a girl would do, but not her. No, she, Lady Natalia Waltham, was now a woman and she would behave as such.

She wrapped her arms around her middle, giving herself a hug of happiness. Mrs. Zander Thwaite. Lady Natalia Thwaite. Mr. and Mrs. Zander Thwaite.

How fortuitous that wedding plans were already underway. No matter that those preparations involved a different groom.

A fleeting pang of guilt over Lord Banyon passed over her. She really had caused an unspeakable scene at the park. However, they had barely said a dozen words to each other so it was not as though he would be pining away for her. He was, as the ladies in the park had commented, a most eligible and desirable gentleman. No doubt he would have forgotten the whole thing by now.

She vowed to put him far from her thoughts and to focus solely on Zander and the future. Yes, there was the issue of the finances, but surely Zander had been exaggerating in order to get her to marry Lord Banyon. If need be, they could let go some of the help and she could reduce her clothing purchases.

I will not be wearing clothes very often, if Zander has his way.

The thought made her giggle with delight.

Her heart swelled with courage and boldness. She felt quite certain she could, if need be, conquer the world.

When Grace returned, Tallie schooled her features so as not to grin like a ninny, working hard to contain the giddiness that threatened to bubble out of her. Grace set the tray on a table near a window and pulled the heavy drapes aside; the bright light matched the joy in Tallie’s heart.

“Thank you, Grace,” she smiled broadly at her servant. “You may go. Please return in thirty minutes to help me dress.”

With a curtsy, Grace left and Tallie was alone with her tray of food. Suddenly, she was famished. Eyeing the bounty before her, something caught her eye.
