Page 25 of His Errant Ward

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A letter.

The familiar scrawl of Zander’s hand sent her heart thundering in her chest. Her first love letter!

She carefully opened the seal, not wishing to damage this most important missive. Her gaze gobbled up the contents, eager for any contact from her beloved.

Dear Tallie,

I have been called away by an urgent message from Captain Wright of The Night Princess. I do not know how long I shall be gone, but expect to return by nightfall. Regardless, you are to wait here for me. We will sort out matters related to recent events and your future when I get back.

In the meantime, you are not to leave Slattery Hall. Do not discuss the events of last night with anyone.


She fell back against her seat. This was hardly the ardent letter of love she had hoped for. No terms of endearment, just a list of commands.

He was the most exasperating man.

Chapter Ten

Walking along the waterfront, past the ships either arriving from exotic locales or readying to travel out over the seas, set Zander’s pulse racing. His duties as Tallie’s guardian had kept him landlocked far too long.

The sights, sounds, and smells called to him.

Yet, so did a certain raven-haired hellion back at Slattery Hall.

Captain Owen Wright’s request for his presence could not have come at a better time—though he had been hesitant to leave Tallie with nothing more than a note. His admonitions to her had been clear. Of course, with Tallie, compliance, not comprehension was the issue.

A wry smile turned up his lips. Oh, she had caused quite a scene yesterday at Hyde Park. Now that the shock of it all had dimmed, he could not help but admire her temerity, even if her methods lacked finesse.

Captain Wright hailed him from the deck ofThe Night Princessand Zander waved in reply, wondering if he ought to share the recent series of events with his friend.

Soon the two men were ensconced in Captain Wright’s quarters, drinks and cigars in their hands.

“You surprise me, Zander,” the sea captain said.

“How so?”

“You have yet to press me on the reason I summoned you here. Are you not curious?”

Zander laughed. “Apparently I am off my game. Please, enlighten me.”

Owen leaned forward. “Do you recall a small silver mine that I convinced you to invest in a few years ago?”

“Yes, I do. Have you news?” Zander leaned forward as well, his attention fully engaged.
