Page 8 of His Errant Ward

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Thereupon he gave a push to the stiff root of ginger and seated it in her private hole, patted her on the arse as though she was a well-behaved pet, and assisted her to stand. She tightened the muscles of her bottom hole, unsure of how best to keep the intruding item in place. For the time being, at least, she had no wish to further anger her guardian.

“I-I thought it was supposed to burn,” she said, staring at the floor, too mortified to look him in the eye.

“Oh, it will.”

Chapter Three

Zander made his wayto his own bedchamber, stepped inside, shut the door, and leaned against it. He retrieved a handkerchief from his pocket and mopped his brow. His breath was ragged and his heart pounded.

“Damnation,” he said aloud to the empty room. “What have I done?”

In addition to everything else that had happened in the past few moments, he realized he had now begun talking to himself as though he were a senile old git.

Was there no end to the havoc that Tallie could wreak upon him?

He walked across the room, though it was somewhat difficult considering the urgent bulge in his pants. He had fully intended to dress Tallie himself in the gown that he had selected. In addition, he had told her he had no intention of letting her out of his sight.

However, both of those intentions had to be set aside in order that he prevent himself from lowering his pants and plunging deep into her wet virgin pussy. He imagined himself slapping her arse and twisting the root of ginger while he plowed into the steamy moisture of her hot quim.

Though it was still morning, he made his way to the decanter that was kept in his sitting area and poured himself a shot of whiskey. The liquor burned its way down his throat and he focused on the heat as he tried to distract himself from the all-consuming lascivious visions pounding in his brain.

What had he been thinking? He had no control when it came to the girl. Though he told himself, and wisely he believed, that it was imperative for him to take a firmer hand with her as her guardian, his longing for her rendered him incapable of behaving properly where she was concerned.

“Bloody hell!” She had loosened her hair and turned to him—the waves of it falling to her waist, the stiff points of her breasts visible through the thin fabric of her chemise. He supposed he ought to congratulate himself for not coming at that very instant simply at the sight of her.

He raked his hand through his hair and took a deep breath. He dared not have another drink, for he needed his wits about himself.

He had planned not to leave her side until after the call was completed, for fear she would remove the plug of ginger from her arse, or try some other shenanigan. However, he had to change course when it became apparent he could not continue in her presence without some sort of reprieve. He had entrusted her back to Grace with instructions for her to dress as quickly as possible and not to touch the root. He would inspect and remove it when Lord Banyon and his mother had left.

Feck. Did he dare allow himself to be alone with her again to remove the plug of ginger that he had carved to fit perfectly inside her bunghole?

He paced the room, poured some cool water into the basin, and splashed his face. He changed his neck cloth, for his had become damp with perspiration. He retrieved a fresh handkerchief for himself and went back out into the hallway determined to see this through to the end. If he had one shred of decency and control left, he would use it to reassure himself he had not gone completely mad over the girl who had been entrusted to him.

As he approached the room, Tallie exited wearing the gown he had selected, and her hair artfully arranged in a most becoming style.

He gave her a slight smile and nod and offered her his arm. “You look very nice this morning, Tallie,” he said.

“Thank you, sir,” she said, her voice demure as she rested her palm upon his forearm.

“You appear to be moving rather... gingerly, shall we say?”

She glanced up at him, fire in her eyes. “Shall we get this over with as quickly as possible? Furthermore, I would appreciate it if you would refrain from making jokes at my expense. Have you not humiliated me enough already this morning?” With a jut of her chin, she removed her hand from his arm and strode the length of the hall head high, neck stiff.

It was all he could do not to drag her back into his bedchamber and fuck her until they were both spent. But, he reminded himself of his duty and caught up with her, taking hold of her arm and guiding her down the grand staircase of Slattery Hall.
