Page 9 of His Errant Ward

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Glancing at her, he noted small beads of perspiration dotting her upper lip. No doubt the ginger was beginning to take effect. She faltered on the stairs and he reacted swiftly to support her. “Are you alright, Tallie?”

“My arse is burning,” she hissed, “so to answer your question, no, I am not alright.”

Again she attempted to pull away from him when they reached the first floor, but again, she faltered.

“Loosen the muscles of your bum,” he whispered to her. “It will reduce the burn.”

She cut her eyes to him suspiciously. “Why should I believe you? In all likelihood, it will only make matters worse. I suppose that is what you want. To torture and humiliate me.”

“Suit yourself, stubborn girl.”

She dug her fingers into his forearm and he watched while she held her breath as what he assumed was a new wave of heat coursed through her bottom hole.

They arrived at the sitting room where Lady Banyon, the dowager countess of Vintuvia and her son, Lord Julius Banyon, awaited.

Tallie gave a sharp inhalation of her breath, though whether it was due to seeing her intended for the first time, or the ginger, Zander dared not guess.

He bowed to Lady Banyon, an attractive woman of about his own age, and then greeted her son. Zander gave a quick appraisal of the young lord. Suitable was the best he could say about him. However, that would have to be sufficient.

* * *

From the humiliationof being manhandled by Zander to arriving in the sitting room of her home to find the man to whom she had been passed off for marriage, this morning had proven to be exceptionally unsettling for Lady Natalia Waltham.

And that did not even include the nearly unbearable burn emanating throughout her nether region. She knew she had an unladylike sheen of perspiration on her upper lip though it was the least of her concerns as Tallie made her way carefully across the carpet of the sitting room to meet her betrothed.

It was a surreal situation, made even much more shocking and unbelievable by the fact that she had an herb in her anus. It would almost be laughable, except it felt as though her backend was on fire.

She wanted to scream and thrash and yank the offending bit of vegetation from her backside, but she did none of those things. She told herself it was because she wished to make a good impression upon Lord Banyon and his mother. During the last few minutes, when Zander had treated her so abominably, Tallie began to consider the possibility she might actually be required to marry Lord Banyon.

But if truth be told, the real reason Tallie did not give in to her yearning to be free of the invasion in her backside was her pride. She had already been wounded enough by Zander and his insistence that she be trained and corrected and managed in some way so she would be a properly presentable young lady for someone such as Lord Banyon. If that were not humiliating enough, she was then pushed down on the bed and a piece of ginger shoved up her bum as though she were some sort of horse on parade, rather than an educated and eligible young lady of the time.

She would not give Zander the satisfaction of seeing her succumb to the burning in her bottom hole.

In addition to the heat reverberating through her nether region, the ginger had another most unusual impact on her. Overall, she felt somewhat subdued, but with a heightened awareness of all of the sensation in her womanly parts.

At Hammersmith School, many of her classmates had spoken quite boldly of their peccadilloes, or as Tallie was more inclined to believe, their imagined peccadilloes. However, none of the young ladies there ever mentioned anything about having ginger, or any other item, shoved up their bunghole.

All of Tallie’s nerve endings were on high alert. Between the heat of her backside and the warm tingling in her quim, as well as the awareness of the rather handsome Lord Banyon who now looked her in the eye, her head spun.

“I am exceptionally pleased to meet you, Lady Natalia,” he said, giving a deep bow over her extended hand. He then stepped aside in order to introduce his mother to her. Lady Banyon appeared to be a lively and attractive woman with a warm smile.

Tallie murmured her replies to both introductions and then felt a bit of a fool for not being more articulate.

Rarely was she at a loss for words, but considering the inferno emanating from her backend, she had no desire to chitchat.

Unfortunately, though, for Tallie sitting idly by, or preferably standing, was simply not an option. Making a good impression was imperative, if for nothing else than to prove to Zander she could do it.

Once all of the introductions had been made, the four of them sat in a companionable circle, with Lord Banyon and his mother on one settee while Tallie and Zander were similarly situated across from them.

Tallie clasped her hands in her lap and kept her gaze downward. She no doubt looked the demure part of a proper young lady. In actuality, gripping her hands tightly helped her to concentrate on not squirming due to the warmth generated by the ginger in her bottom.

Zander took on the part of host and directed the conversation. “It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to meet you both in person,” he said.

“Thank you, Mr. Thwaite,” Lady Banyon said. “My son and I look forward to the opportunity to get to know Lady Natalia, as well as yourself, sir.”

While Lady Banyon spoke, Tallie glanced at her from beneath her lashes, and was none too pleased by the tone and demeanor the older woman used when expressing her pleasure in meeting Zander. Lady Banyon showed an interest in Zander that Tallie did not appreciate.

Perhaps she was being overly sensitive, considering she was feeling sensitive throughout her entire body, but when refreshments were brought in and Lady Banyon looked at Zander over the top of her teacup in a rather coquettish manner, Tallie was certain Lady Banyon had more than a passing interest in the handsome, yet vexing, Mr. Thwaite.
