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We walk up the steps of JJ Kane’s home. We pause on the top step, and she turns to me. "Does it hurt?" She gestures to the bandage on my cheek.

Yesterday, she wanted to call the ambulance, but I directed her to call JJ’s doctor, who came immediately. He dressed the wound without comment—he’s probably seen some strange things, considering who he works for—told me it wouldn’t need stitches, and left. After prescribing some painkillers, which I, of course, ignored. The pain is good. It’s a reminder of just how close I came to losing her.

Not that I would have ever let that happen, but when I saw her face after confessing to stalking her, when she realized I had been in the apartment next door all along… For a second there, I thought she’d leave me. I hoped she wouldn’t. Hoped she’d understand why I had to do what I did… But it had been a risk.

So when, instead of getting angry with me, she actually told me she understood my stalker tendencies, I couldn’t believe my luck. I don’t deserve her. This woman, who has been through so much and come out stronger than she was before… I needed a way to show her just how much she means to me. It had to be what I did… It couldn’t be anything else. This way, her stamp of ownership is on me for all the world to see. And I wear it proudly.

"It twinges a little, but otherwise, it’s fine," I murmur.

"I hope it doesn’t scar." Her brow furrows.

"I hope it does," I retort.

She shakes her head. "I still can’t believe you did it."

"I knew I was going to do it as soon as you walked in on the engagement of your sister in that red dress and stood defiantly in the doorway."

"When I stumbled and found myself pressed against your chest, I thought I was imagining things. I had spent the last few days trying to forget you, and there you were, larger-than-life."

"I’ll never forget about you lying to me and telling me you were in love with someone else."

"It was always you. I was just afraid of the intensity of my feelings for you." She leans up and smooths the lapels of my jacket.

“I have another surprise for you,” I say softly.

She arches any eyebrow. “Does it have to do with guns or knives? Because, if so, I have to warn you, my husband already aced that space.”

“Spoken like a true Mafia bride.” I chuckle. “No, it’s something more personal. Something to do with a horseshoe, actually.’”

“A horseshoe?” Her forehead furrows.

“Look in the inside pocket of my jacket.”

She dips her hand inside, and pulls out the chain with the horseshoe pendant. Her gaze widens. “This is—” She squints at it, then at me. “Is this—”

“It is.” I take the chain from her, then fasten it around her neck. “There, now you look perfect.”

She fingers the pendant. “Where did you find it? It was a gift from my father. I looked everywhere for it. I thought I’d lost it.”

“You left it behind in the bed where we first made love.”

“Oh.” She lowers her eyelids, and when she raises them again, her eyes shine. “All this time, Massimo—” She swallows. “You had it all along?”

“Every part of you belongs to me,Stellina.You didn’t think I’d ever let anyone else find it, did you? I kept it because it was a link to you, a touchstone. Every time I missed you, I caressed it and felt closer to you. I was sure it would bring us back together, and I was right. I’m never letting you go again, Via.”

“Massimo.” She searches between my eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I caress her cheek. “And you can thank me properly when we get home, but for now, you can start with telling me how I look.”

"Do you even have to ask?" She tugs on the lapels, and I bend my head. She leans up on tiptoes and presses a kiss to my lips. "You look like the most handsome man in the world. I already know, when you remove the bandage, the scar is only going to add to your rakish good looks. I’m going to have to fight to keep the women away from you."

"Women, what women?" I glance around, then back at her. "I only have eyes for you, baby."

"Flattery will get you everywhere." She laughs.

“Thank you for seeing the psychologist earlier today.” I brush my knuckles across her cheek.

“Thank you for making me see one. I’m sure it’s going to make a difference. Although, I have to admit—” she bites the inside of her cheek “—I think you were right. Since we started fucking again, I haven’t cut myself.”
