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I shake my head, trying to get rid of the Massimo daze.

"I know how you feel, girl." Karma nudges me. "I’m still not over the effect Michael’s presence has on me. All he has to do is look at me, and my ovaries flutter."

"Mommy," Avery calls out.

“Be right there, sweetie.” Elsa looks from Avery to me, then smiles and says, "I’m sorry, motherhood calls. It’s wonderful to be able to formally welcome you to the family." Elsa kisses me on both cheeks, then turns to head off after her daughter.

"All of you are being so nice to me." I turn to Karma. "I can’t believe you flew out to London for this gathering."

"Michael insisted." Karma hooks her arm through mine. "When he found out what Alvaro had done, he was out of his mind with worry. He had planned to sell a few business assets to fund the money Alvaro had asked for to free you. Then Massimo called and told him you were fine. He mentioned how much JJ had helped them, and Michael decided to come to London to meet with JJ. Then, the rest of the Sovranos wanted to come to make sure the two of you were okay. So, we decided to make an extended family trip out of it."

A warm sensation envelops me. "Still, all of you turning up here?" I shake my head. "You guys are amazing, every single one of you."

"You’re family," she says simply.

It’s not like my own family doesn’t love me, but after my father’s death, it seemed like we lost the core of what held us together. My mother always sided with my brother, and while she surprised me on my wedding day with her candid talk, I’m not sure if she sees my alliance to the Sovranos as anything more than one which lends me legitimacy within our immediate community. And now that Solene has left for LA, these people here are my immediate support structure.

I wrap my arms around Karma and hug her. She pats my back. "We’ll always be here for you, Olivia."

"Thanks." I swallow the ball of emotion which clogs my throat. When I finally step back, she peers into my face. "You okay?"

I sniffle, then nod. "I am now."

"Good. So, he made sure he has a matching scar, huh?" She touches her cheek.

I stare. "How do you—?"

"It was the logical conclusion to draw, given the placement of the bandage, and somehow, I’m not surprised he did it."

"I’m surprised. I didn’t expect him to do that. And—" My chin wobbles. "He didn’t even flinch. He just took the knife and—" I shake my head. "He didn’t have to do it, you know."

"Maybe he had to do it for himself? Maybe he had to do it for the both of you."

"It… completely floored me. Talk about romantic gestures. That’s one I’ll never forget for the rest of my life."

"It’s a typical Sovrano gesture. When they find the woman of their dreams, they go all out. They won’t stop until they’ve made you theirs completely."

I take her hand in mine. "Thanks, Karma, for everything. You’ve smoothed my transition into this family."

"You’re welcome, you—" She flinches suddenly, then presses her other hand to her stomach.

"What happened?"

"Shh." She flicks a glance sideways to where Michael is deep in conversation with Massimo.

"Come this way." She grips my hand with hers and urges me to follow her to the far end of the spacious living room. She sinks down into a chair, and I sit down in the one next to her.

"You okay?"

"I will be. It’s just, this pregnancy. It’s causing me a lot of heartburn. Literally." She laughs halfheartedly.

"Do you need to see a doctor?" I frown.

She flicks another glance in the direction of Michael. "Oh, I’ve been seeing one. There’s something I need to tell Michael. I’ve been working up toward it, is all.”

“Nothing serious, I hope?”

She hesitates. “No, nothing serious.”
