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"I’m not." She firms her lips. "I’m not lying, Massimo. I told you I don’t want to be with you. I told you I wanted to walk away without looking back. I told you to let me go, Massimo."

And I didn’t. And now I’m paying the price.

Turning, I stalk to the door. With one foot over the threshold I stop, then turn to glance at her over my shoulder. “You’re making a mistake."



I made a mistake.He looked at me with so much emotion, so mucheverythingin his eyes. He looked at me like I was his, and I told him the one thing I knew would make him hate me. It was the only way to get him to leave, to make him believe that I had feelings for someone else. How’s that even possible, when all I can do is think of him? I was so sure he wouldn’t believe me, but I must be a better actor than I thought. I met his gaze and I lied. Clearly, all those acting lessons paid off; he believed me. I looked into his eyes, and I lied convincingly enough for him to walk out of here hating me.

I lied to him and broke my heart—I mean, his heart, and now he hates me. That’s the result I wanted, right?? I close my eyes, and my head spins. The adrenaline recedes, leaving me shaking. A shiver grips me.I’ll never be warm again. Not after what I did to him.

A doctor walks into the room, "Ms. Johansen, you’re awake. Do you mind if I examine you?"

I nod my assent.

He approaches me, takes my pulse, then begins to examine me.

"How soon can I leave?"

He continues to listen to my heart with his stethoscope, then checks my eyes and proceeds to ask me a few more questions.

"Doctor, you didn’t answer. How soon can I leave?"

He finally straightens. "Your vitals are looking good. I’d like to keep you for another night for observation."

"I’d like to leave right away," I choke out.

"Out of the question. We need to make sure there are no other complications from the wound. There shouldn’t be, but it’s a precaution."

"Tomorrow. I need to be out of here by tomorrow. I cannot stay another day."

"Eager to join your fiancé?" He smiles kindly.


"Your fiancé, Mr. Sovrano. He stayed with you throughout the night, refused to leave."

"He’s gone now. I asked him to leave."

"Ah." He scans my features. "Everything okay?"

I nod.No, I’ve made the biggest mistake of my life.

I’d never be able to live with myself if I married a Mafia guy. Besides, Massimo has too powerful a personality. Too mesmerizing. If I were with him, I’d lose myself; I’d forget myself and the goals I set for myself. The promises I made to myself when I left home, and which I’ve fought so hard to fulfill. I can’t give up on it. Not now. I owe it to myself to stay on track. To get back to pursuing my dream of becoming an actress. I’m going to get the kinds of roles I deserve, the kind I spent my life working toward. I couldn’t give it all up for a man...Could I?Tears prick the backs of my eyes. I sniff, then close my eyelids so they don’t spill.

"There, there." He pats my hand. "It’s normal to feel woozy after what you’ve been through. If all goes well, we can discharge you tomorrow. Of course, you’ll still need to take antibiotics to keep infection at bay, and make sure you take care of your dressings—"

"A phone. Can you get me a phone, please?"

"Of course. All of your belongings, including your phone, were delivered by Mr. Sovrano. We’ll get everything to you."

The doctor turns to leave, and I stare out the window. He made sure I had everything I needed before he left. And I broke his heart. I didn’t have a choice.It’s the right thing to do. It is.

One of the nurses returns with my phone and my handbag, which I left in the dressing room in the theater. I probably won’t know how bad the scar is until the bandage comes off. Meanwhile, I need to get out of here before Jeanne or Penny decides to visit. There’s only one person who can help me.

I pick up my phone and dial Declan’s number.
