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"AndIdon’t want to be settled. There are a lot of things I want to do to prove myself first, Mamma."

My mother wrings her hands. "I should have never allowed you to leave home. I should have married you off the first chance I got."

"Like I would have allowed you."

"It’s not too late." A cunning look comes into her eyes. "There’s this man—"

"No, absolutely not." I allow my fork to fall from my hands with a clatter. Silence sweeps across the table. My brother looks up from where he’s been speaking to my uncle from the other side of the table.

"Can you leave her alone, Mamma?" He scowls at her. "Olivia’s old enough to figure out what’s best for her."

I narrow my gaze on him. "And why are you coming to my defense,fratellino?"

"I’m your brother." He scowls.

"Yeah, that’s why I ask. Like the rest of the Mafia guys, all you care about is seizing more power. If you think you can get it by marrying me off to some other clan, you can think again." I glance at my sister, who’s been watching the exchange in silence. "No offense."

"None taken." She shoves her hair over her shoulder. "But you should know, I was happy to go in for this arranged marriage. I’m not doing this against my will."

"Something I don’t understand at all,” I retort.

My mother scowls at that, but I ignore her. "You have so much going for you, Solene. You’re smart, talented, beautiful; you can have any man you want. You don’t have to sacrifice your future for the sake of the family."

She glances away, then back at me. "I really don’t mind marrying the man my family has chosen for me," she says softly.

A cold hand grips my heart.

I walked away from Massimo, by choice. I knew I needed time to find myself again, to figure out my shit and where I’m going with what I've become. And I couldn’t do it if I allowed him into my life. I needed space to breathe, to be myself, and I could never do that if I plunged straight into a relationship with him. Also, I admit, I was insecure. I have a scar on my face, and he’s the most gorgeous, most lethally attractive man I’ve ever met. Of course, I couldn’t allow him to tie himself to me. Not when he could have anyone else. I needed time to think, and figured it would help to put distance between us. That’s why I told him that lie. I didn’t think it would hurt him so much that he’d go straight into an arranged marriage. With my sister! And now, it’s too late. Surely, now, I can’t step in between them. Not if she’s set on marrying him. There’s only one way out. I need to, somehow, get away from here.

"Excuse me." I dab at my mouth with my napkin. "I’m late for my rehearsal." Ah, how easily the lies come from my lips. I rise to my feet, my movements precise. If I make any swift movements, I might shatter.

"You’re leaving? So soon?" Solene cries out.

"Sorry, sis, I wouldn’t if it weren’t so important. But I really do have to go. I’ll come visit."

"We’re staying in a house loaned to us by the Don, so we’ll be in the same city," my sister says excitedly.

"You will?" My family lives in Naples, the heart of the region controlled by theCamorra. I’d hoped they would return home after the engagement party.weddingengagement party. Not because I don’t like them… Okay, that’s not a complete truth, either. I do love my mother, but having her too close, for too long, is like being circled by birds of prey who are just waiting for a chance to attack.

"Diego thinks the wedding should take place sooner than later,” my sister adds.

Of course he does. Marriages of this nature take place very quickly after the engagement. It’s partially to make sure the brides and grooms don’t change their minds, but also because the heads of the clans want to proceed with the business transactions that often accompany such arrangements.

"Wh-when do you think it’ll take place?" I force myself to ask.

"In a few weeks." My brother rises to his feet. “I’ll see you out.”

I wave him off. "Relax, stay back. I know you’re dying for a chance to speak to theCosa Nostra." I jerk my chin in the direction of the Sovranos, and the man who I know, even now, is watching me from under hooded eyes. "No doubt, you have business negotiations to finalize as a result of this arranged marriage."

The guilty look in Diego’s eyes confirms my words.

I bend and kiss my mother’s cheek. "I love you, Mamma." And I really do. Despite the fact that she’s never understood me, she’s still my flesh and blood, and I believe her when she says she has my best interests at heart.

I blow a kiss at my cousin, touch my aunt’s shoulder in farewell. Then I push back my chair and walk out of there—past the Sovrano table, past the man who has his head turned away from me, but who I know is tracking my every move—out of the conservatory, down the hallway, out the front door, then down the steps, and toward my car as fast as my shaky legs will carry me.

Footsteps sound on the stairs behind me, then, “Olivia!”

Damn, and I almost made it, too. I pause, then fix a smile on my face and turn to face one of my best friends. “Jeanne.”

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