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Of course they aren’t. They’ll be happy enough to have their needs looked after by theCosa Nostraand coast through life.“Why am I not surprised?”

"Of course, I could decide not to take on that duty,” he adds.

I stiffen. "If you decide not to take on the safeguarding of my clan, then—"

"You leave your family wide open to threats from other Mafia gangs."

I stare at him in horror.

"Like the Mexicans, the Albanians, the Chinese, all of whom would love to move in and take on the very lucrative routes that your family’s business now owns. And then..." He leans forward. "Who knows what could happen to your family? None of these groups are known for their empathy or their capacity to be merciful."

I swallow. "You wouldn’t do that."

"Wouldn’t I?" He drums his fingers on the table. "You’d be effectively signing the death warrant of your extended family members. Unless..."

My heart begins to pound into my rib cage. My throat goes wrong. Oh, he wouldn’t go there with this, would he? "What—" I clear my throat. "What is it you want?"

"For you to marry me."

I cross my arms around my waist. "I’ve already said I won’t do that."

"If you don’t, I can’t guarantee your family’s safety."

"Knew it." I stab my finger in his direction. "I knew, under all that emotional bullshit you threw at me, you’re a Mafia asshole at heart."

He tilts his head. "What do you say?"

"If you think I’m going to sleep with you after this stunt you’ve pulled, you’re sadly mistaken."

"Who said anything about fucking you?" His lips curve.

"You mean... You don’t want to fuck me?"

"Not unless you ask me to."

"Which is never going to happen." I lean back in my seat. "And isn’t that why you want to marry me?"

"I want to marry you to keep my promise to Nonna of getting married within a month of her passing away. It’s not necessary for us to consummate the marriage, not unless—" He drags his thumb across his lower lip. "Well, not unless you want it, as well."



"So, she agreed to marry you?" Adrian pours a measure of the Macallan into my glass and slides it across the bar counter. We’re in Michael’s home in his study, waiting for him and the rest of our brothers to join us. I toss back the whiskey, then hold out my glass.

He raises his eyebrows, but tops me up anyway.

When I drain the glass and set it down, he frowns. "Go easy, will you?"

I reach for the bottle of whiskey and top up my glass, then take a sip.

"I assume the reason you’re ecstatic with joy is because you had to coerce her into saying yes?"

"Yes," I snap.

"And what was your negotiating tool?"

I blow out a breath. "I told her I wouldn’t take on protecting her family unless she agreed to marry me."
