Page 103 of Requiem

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“Sogreedy. “He huffs, amused, pulling on his jeans. I nearly weep when he puts his t-shirt back on, covering up his beautiful body. Stopping by the door, he frowns as he stoops down and collects something from the floor.

Looks like mail.

He turns it over in his hands. “Huh.”

“What is it?”

Theo plucks up an orange Post-It Note, reading it quickly.


Wearing a slash of a grin, he hands me the stack of letters and the Post-it Note. “See for yourself.”

I suppose you’re not so bad, Voss.

We never did it for the money.

Three envelopes.

Three envelopes, with three checks inside.

Sebastian, Ash and Bethallreturned them?

“My faith in humanity isalmostrestored,” Theo says, heading for the door. “I’m still not forgiving Seb for the coke can incident, though.”

“You have to,” I tell him. “I have. And if I’m not mad at him for being a dick anymore then you can’t be, either.”

Theo grins, his smile taking over his whole face. “Just read the book, Kid. I’ll be back soon.”

Nervous as hell, I crack open the notebook once Theo leaves, my heart climbing up my throat. I know this is going to be hard.Sohard, but I want to know what Theo was thinking, all of those times I saw him scribbling in this notebook beneath the tree. I owe it to him to understand everything he went through, and—

I stop dead on the first page.

The handwriting is familiar, but it isn’t Theo’s.

Darling Sorrell,

Messages from the dead are macabre, but I felt like I had to write at least this one to you. I have so many hopes and dreams for your future. You are the brightest star in my sky, and I adore you so very much. I couldn’t leave this life without stealing one last opportunity to tell you just how honored I am that I got to be your mother.

I’ve given this notebook to Lorelei, because, despite our differences, she will one day honor my request and give it to her son, and he will write all of the wonderful things I can’t say in it for me. He’ll tell you how proud he is of you when you graduate. He’ll tell you what a beautiful young woman you’ve turned into. He’ll tell you how much he adores you, and he’ll fill these pages with love.

From the moment you two could walk, it was obvious that you were made for each other. Lorelei will never admit it, but you and Theo have always gravitated toward each other in a way that could never be explained. From the moment you could walk, you were these two gorgeous little magnets, always doing your damnedest to snap back together and find your way home.

There are people in this life who are sent to us as gifts, to complete our experience on this earth and bring us joy. The universe sent meyou, Sorrell. But I wasn’t meant to keep you. It also sent you to Theo, and him to you. I might not be here to witness it first-hand, but I already see the wonderful life you two will have together, and it makes my heart soar to know that you’ll be happy.

I have left the ring your father gave to me the night he proposed in Lorelei’s keeping as well as this notebook. One day, she will give it to Theo, and I just know that he’ll find some special, silly way to ask you if you’ll wear if for him.

I hope you say yes.

Don’t waste the precious moments you have with one another.

Be good and kind to one another.

Love, and be loved.


Mom x

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