Page 20 of Requiem

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This can’t really be happening, can it?

Is this what happened to Rachel? Did Theo coerce her into some depraved sex act and let all of his asshole friends watch? Did they play the same kind of abhorrent game the night we went to that party? And could I have forgotten something like that, even if I had been drugged?

I can’t say for sure.

More alcohol is passed from person to person, making its way around the crowd. I don’t reject it this time. My insides feel as if they’re boiling in acid. I think I’m going to throw up. As I accept bottle after bottle, taking a mouthful from each, the heat of the booze slowly increases, making me more and more numb the drunker I get.

By the fire, Sebastian strips Ash naked with rough hands. He says something to her, whispering into her ear, and she shoves him back, hands planted against his t-shirt, laughing. She shakes her head, and he shakes his, setting a firm look on her, leaning to speak into her ear again. She looks up at him, marshalling her face into a mock serious expression, then nods up and down slowly. I can’t hear what she says, but…

Then she’s pulling his shirt over his head. Then, she’s unfastening the belt at his waist. Then, she’s laughing, giddy and incredibly shy as she undoes his jeans and pulls them down over his hips.

“Jesus Christ. I’d heard rumors that he didn’t wear underwear.” Mel’s eyes are huge in her head as she stares at Sebastian West’s dick. I didn’t hear her come and stand beside me. I didn’t even notice when Jess let go of my hand; the girl’s disappeared into thin air.

I try to keep my eyes trained on Mel’s scandalous smirk but it’s impossible.

Seb’s cock stands proud and erect, hard as steel against the warm glow cast off from the fire. He trails his hand up Ash’s arm, closing his grip around her bicep, drawing her to him, and she goes to him willingly. The girls all look on with jealousy burning bright in their fevered eyes, and a pinch of nausea rolls through me. I can’t understand these people. I can’t understand why they’re all just standing here in their little factions, hungry to see more. Most importantly, I don’t understand whyIam still watching.

He kisses her, crushing her bare breasts up against his chest. Her skin looks like a painting, with the orange glow cast off from the fire dancing all over the backs of her legs and her buttocks. The muscles in Seb’s arms flex as he wraps them around Ash’s body—I hadn’t noticed the tattoos flared across his shoulders and his back, but I see the black ink fanned across his skin as he spins her around, turning away from me and the other on-lookers, giving us his back.

Ash gasps, breathless, as he slides a hand between her legs, guiding them apart, and works his fingers there—

“Well, fuck me,” Mel mutters, throwing back her drink. “Last guy who touched my pussy had no clue what he was doing. West doesn’t seem to have any issues. I doubt Theo would have, either.”

“Oh, I’m surehe’shad plenty of practice.” Spite drips from my every word.

Mel hums, shaking her head. “Theo? Hah!” She chews on her thumbnail, eyes glued to Sebastian’s hand, still working between Ashley’s legs. “Maybe. Maybe not. I think you’d be surprised.”

“What doesthatmean?”

Sebastian slides his fingers into Ash, gradually pumping them in and out of her. The guys howl and yell obscenities at their friend, encouraging him, egging him on, and my need to vomit intensifies to a punishing level.

“Theo’s never dated any of us,” Mel says. “No matter how hard some of us have tried, he’s never taken any of us out. Never flirted with any of us. Never even looked twice at any of us.”

This news surprises me. I remember the sound of Rachel moaning in the back of the car, the night of the party we went to last year. I can’t be certain what was happening between them, but it had sounded like things were getting hot and heavy. Maybe Theo Merchant has a ‘don’t-shit-where-you-eat policy? Maybe he just has high standards?

This thought nearly makes me laugh out loud. I can’t imagine him having any standards at all. Bastard.

Sebastian’s head tips back when Ash takes hold of his dick and begins pumping her hand up and down, working the thick length of him for everyone to see. His mouth falls open, and I watch his lips move, some small uttered curse tumbling out of his mouth, and the look of ecstasy on his face finally pushes me over the edge.

This place is so fucked.

Nothing seems like the truth. At every turn, it feels like I’m only being given half of the facts, and not just by Mel, but by Theo. ByRuth. Theo knew whoshewas, for fuck’s sake. His demand that I should ask her about this Henry person is testament to the fact that there is more going on here than meets the eye, and there’s no way I’m doing anything until I figure out what that is. “I have to go back.” I hold the back of my hand to my mouth. “I can’t—I can’t fucking watch this. I feel sick.”

Mel laughs softly. When I look at her, she’s studying me, arching an eyebrow at me. “Are you aprude, babe? This is nothing. Haven’t you ever watched porn?”

That’s none of her damned business. I barely know her; I’m not going to tell her something so personal. “This is a little different than watching porn.”

“Is it?” She smirks. “It’s still sex. One version is on a screen. This version is just…right in front of you. I don’t see the problem.”

“This is…this isridiculous!” My cheeks are too hot.

“Come on, then. If you’re having such a terrible time, you need to make sure Sebastian’s seen you properly one last time before you go.” She takes me by the hand and tries to shove me forward. I’ve let her push and pull me around all night, though. I let her dress me up and paint my face. I allowed her to convince me to come down here against my better judgement. I’m done.

Wrenching my hand free, I dig my heels in, refusing to walk another step. “Fuck Sebastian!”

“I’m sure that can be arranged. Sebastian will screw around with anything that moves. Once he’s done with Ash—”

“Oh my god. Look, juststop!I didn’t come here for this! I didn’t move all the way across the damn country just to jump feet first into some weird sex cult.”
