Page 96 of Requiem

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“Ohh, sobossy.”

His breath is warm and smells like mint, which isn’t a surprise after all the gum he chewed to rid himself of the foul coffee taste. “You have no ideahowbossy I’m gonna be with you later,” he whispers.

A nervous shiver races up my spine at this; we’ve been skirting around sex for so long now that I think I’ll go insane if I have to wait much longer. We’ve both been teasing each other senseless, but we’re getting to the point now where stopping before things go too far is proving difficult.

Theo bumps the end of my nose with his. “Don’t move.”

I stay very, very still, mittens still clapped over my eyes, while Theo jokes and barters with the bodega salesman. “Get the snow globe!” I shout.

“I’m getting you the damn snow globe,” Theo growls playfully.

A minute later, he returns—I canfeelhis presence, my body so aware of him—and he tugs on my coat sleeve, pulling my hands away from my eyes. “Here,” he says. The glass orb in his hands is a little larger than your average snow globe. Inside is a miniature version of the Manhattan skyline, dusted with tiny little flecks of white. More of the fake snow swirls around inside, mimicking the air that surrounds us now. Silver and gold glitter flashes inside the globe, too. It’s beautiful—a city filled with magic and wonder.

“I love it. It reminds me of Christmas. I used to sit in the window and watch it snow, and daydream about you showing up out of the blue to surprise me.”


I thump him in the arm. “What’s that there?” I try to tap the glass but I can’t with these cursed mitts on.


“The little pirate’s chest.” Thereisa little pirate’s chest in there, at the foot of the mini Empire State Building.

“It’s a little safe. Look at the bottom. You can slot a tiny gift or a letter in there.”

I gape at him, eyes wide, mouth open. “Did you put something in there?”

“I did.”

“What’s inside, what’s inside!”

“A secret,” he says. “You can’t open it yet. You have to promise me you won’t—”

“Oh my god, dude, seriously? I’m gonna die of curiosity. You’re not gonna tell me?”

Theo’s eyes are made of molten chocolate and honey. They spark with amusement as he flattens his lips into an apologetic smile and slowly shakes his head. “Patience, Kid. Promise me.”

“Urgh. Fine. I promise.”

When we get back to the Brownstone, I check the time again. It’s one fifty-three.

Theo grabs me from behind, making me scream as he lifts me up the bottom step, setting me down on the second. “Okay, enough already. Bad girl. Tell me what’s going on with the clockwatching or I’m gonna bite you.”

“Where are you gonna bite me?”

“On the ass,” he says. “Hard.”

“All right, all right, fine! Jeez! I got you a present! It was supposed to get here yesterday but with the snow—” My heart is in my throat. I’ve been nervous about this all week. Ever since I came into the money my parents left for me, I’ve been wanting to buy this gift for Theo, but it required that we come to New York to collect it. I’ve been waiting and waiting…

Theo squints at me suspiciously. “There’s something in there? For me?”


“How did it get in there?”

“I gave someone a key.”

He’s trying not to smile. “That was incredibly risky. What is it?”
