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Her eyes meet mine and she shakes her head.

“No?” I ask, cocking my head to the side.

“No,” she repeats, the word barely audible.

My grin widens. “Okay then,” I say before lowering my head to hers, my eyes focused squarely on those parted full lips of hers.

“Aunt Lauren!” comes Oliva’s high-pitched voice, causing Lulu to immediately jump backward before my lips have a chance to reach hers.

I watch as she steps away from me, her hands running over her hips as though she’s somehow trying to straighten herself out, leaving me standing in the middle of the room wondering if that was really about to happen.

“Aunt Lauren?” comes Oliva’s voice again, closer this time.

“In here,” she calls out, her voice shaky.

Oliva walks in and stops when she sees both of us, soaking wet and me half purple.

“You look like Barney,” she says, pointing at me.

I chuckle, even as internally, my body is going haywire at the thought that I very nearly kissed Lulu.

“Yeah, I think I might need a shower,” I say, walking toward her.

As I do, I brush past Lu, ours arms touching as my fingers skim across the inside of her wrist, making her shudder.

“What do you think, Oliva?” I ask, arms out as I turn in a slow circle in front of her.

She crosses her arms over her chest as she stares up at me, her face solemn as she nods. “Definitely.”

Grinning, I step closer and slide both my hands over Oliva’s ears before looking back at Lu. “Just remember, Lu, you’re welcome to come join me,” I say, winking before removing my hands and walking out of the shed.

Chapter Eight


Olivia is staring up at me wide-eyed and grinning as my heart races in my chest, my words trapped in my throat. I feel like there’s an electric current running though my body and every single nerve is on fire.

I almost kissed Jack and fuck me if it wouldn’t have been amazing.

I scrub my hands over my face trying to clear my head and stop myself from running after Jack. I’ve never wanted someone to kiss me as badly as I wanted Jack to just now. The way his body looked all muscled and tan, his t-shirt wet and clinging to him, accentuating every single part of his chest.

Hell, maybe Ellen is right? Maybe I do need a rebound? And who better to do that with than Jack. He’s not sticking around, and the likelihood of me getting attached is pretty much non-existent. Or at least that’s what I’m telling myself. I won’t find myself in the same situation I did before.

“Mommy’s looking for you,” Olivia says, tugging on the bottom of my wet tank top. “Was Jack flirting with you again?” Her hands are on her hips now and her self-taught bitch face is in full effect.

Looking down at her, I can’t help but laugh as she glares at Jack’s back as he walks away.

She learned from the best of them and right now she looks exactly like me. Ellen is constantly reminding me to stop letting my face say what I’m thinking, but I fail miserably at it. Turns out it must be hereditary because Olivia is my soul mate when it comes to maintaining a solid chronic bitch face.

“Take it easy, killer,” I say teasingly, giving her braid a little pull as I reach for her hand and walk out of the shed with her to find Ellen.

I walk the property for a few minutes with Olivia and since we can’t find her immediately we start goofing around. If I’m being honest, I’m still avoiding Ellen and it’s not just because of her incessant teasing. I know the conversation is coming; the one where she reminds me to stop being so closed off and bitter, her words not mine.

After about thirty minutes of playing avoidance hide and seek with Olivia my phone chimes out with a text.

Ellen: Where are you?

Me: Out in the fields with Olivia.
