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Laughing, I stand and walk around to the other side of the booth, sliding into the seat next to her. Throwing an arm around her shoulder, I pull her close, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “They’re going to love you, babe, trust me. And fuck me, but my mom is gonna be so excited about being a grandma and shit, Hannah will love you for taking the heat off her and don’t worry about your parents, I’ve got this, trust me.”

She looks up at me and I give her a wink, still laughing at the worried look on her face. “You’ve got this?” she asks, skeptically.

I give her a hard kiss. “Yep, I sure do.”

“Okay and how many parents have you met exactly, mister former hook up guy?”

My laughter continues as my head falls back against the seat and I curl my arm tighter around her. “Okay, none, alright, but still, it’s gonna be fine, so don’t worry. Now, you want to ask your parents or should I?”

Tessa holds up a hand. “No, nope, I’ll do it.”

“Cool, but don’t tell them about the baby yet, okay? Let’s do it tonight when everyone is there. We can make like a big announcement and shit. Actually, should we invite Hannah? She’s gonna be pissed if she finds out everyone else knows but her.”

I glance at Tess and she just shrugs, as though she has no idea what to say.

“Okay, let’s invite her. She’ll be a pain in the ass otherwise and you know I’m just gonna blurt it out next time I see her anyway. Alright,” I continue, reaching for my phone and opening up the notes app again. “So I’ve made a list of names that I like, but I’m not gonna show you. You should do the same and then we can cross-check and see if we get any matches. If not, I am willing to consider a barter system that involves sexual favors in exchange for naming rights.”

Now it’s Tessa laughing as she takes the phone from my hand and puts it face down on the table. “Oh my god, Dylan, I love you, babe, but seriously, we can slow down, you know?”


She smiles up at me. “We have nine months before this baby arrives, we’ve got plenty of time to talk names and stuff. Let’s get through this first appointment and then we can talk, okay?”

I take in a deep breath, letting it out slowly as I look at her beautiful smiling face. She looks so happy and relaxed and I love that. “Okay,” I concede. “But you’re still moving in with me and we are still doing the parent thing tonight.”

“You don’t want to wait on those things too?” she asks. “You know, until we’ve done that appoint—”

“Nope, no, don’t even say it,” I say, cutting her off. “Everything’s going to be great, we aren’t even going to consider the alternative.”

Tess exhales, a smile still on her face as she rests her head against my shoulder. “Okay, fine. I’ll text my parents and ask them to dinner. And yes, we should invite Hannah,” she adds.

“Good,” I say with a nod. “And we’re leaving early today so we can grab some of your shit and get you moving in. No arguments.”

“Okay,” she says with a laugh.

Squeezing her shoulder, I kiss her forehead. “Right, so that’s settled. Now, how are you feeling?” I ask, knowing this is something I’ve been thinking about constantly ever since she told me about the baby. God knows how I’m going to get through nine months of worrying about her, but I’ve quickly discovered, it’s not something I have any control over.

I don’t even want to think about what it’s going to be like worrying about herandthe baby when alien baby finally arrives as a real baby. Fuck knows, I’ll probably give myself a heart attack.

She leans into me, kissing my shoulder as she whispers, “Hungry and just a little bit turned on right now.”

My eyes snap to hers. “Just a little bit?” I ask.

She giggles. “Yeah, just a little bit. Seeing you like this is actually pretty hot, you know.”

I lean closer, sliding my hand up her leg and between her thighs, gently rubbing my fingers between her legs against the seam of her jeans, right over her clit. “I see and what do I have to do to get you a whole lot turned on?” I whisper, brushing my lips against hers.

“Dylan,” she groans. “You shouldn’t do anything, we’re at work.”

“Fuck that, babe,” I say, nibbling her bottom lip. “We’ve got nine months of this remember and you’ve already said you’re gonna be one of these women who wanna fuck when they’re pregnant. So I’m going to make sure I fuck you whenever you want itandyou’re also completely satisfied.”

She smiles against my mouth, sliding her hand over to cup my dick, which is already hard in my jeans. “Is that so?” she teases.

“Baby,” I groan, pushing my fingers a little harder against her. “You know I take this very, very seriously.”

“Oh I know,” she says. “How do you think we wound up in this situation?”

“Best. Situation. Ever.” I murmur, cupping her pussy and giving it a squeeze.
