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“Went all Dom on her?”

“What? No, why would you say that?”

“I’m just teasing.” Her voice was light and carefree. “I’m sure you’ve handled her.”

“The only woman I want to handle is right by my side.”


* * *

The past weekhad been busy for both Kayla and Julian. Her days were long, but her nights were even longer. Julian hadn’t been home for dinner once that week. She didn’t begrudge him. She knew going into this relationship that he was married to his job. A man didn’t become as successful as he had without working for it, but she couldn’t help but miss him.

They hadn’t been to Master M’s in over a week. She hadn’t realized how much she would miss that time. The connection she and Julian had created when they were in the playroom was like none she had ever experienced. Not only did she notice the loss over not being at the club, but she experienced an odd void. One she would not have expected back on that cold January afternoon when Julian introduced her to Martin.

In the days that they had been away from the club, Kayla found herself thinking about the dominant man more than she would have liked. Nothing inappropriate. She was committed to Julian and their relationship, but Martin seemed to seep into her thoughts on more than one occasion. Had she pleased him when she was in the playroom? Did he think about her when she wasn’t there? Was she making sufficient progress?

As she gazed into the brass double doors that led to a world she craved more now than ever, she didn’t understand why she would go there without Julian. He worked late that evening, and instead of going back to the empty penthouse, Kayla rode the subway to Master M’s. Now that she was there, she didn’t feel right. The place was almost forbidden without Julian. Perhaps she allowed herself to go there because it made her connection with the man she loved more than anything real. She shook off her somber thoughts, dismissing them as nothing more than craving Julian.

Pulling out her phone, she decided to text him and let him know he was in her thoughts. Maybe they could make some extra time for one another this week. Work was important to him, but she was certain she was more important. Before she could compose the text, Connie approached her.

“Are you going in?” she asked.

“No.” Kayla started down the street, not wanting to deal with her ex-friend. A friend who had betrayed her in a way that Kayla didn’t think she could ever forgive.

“Wait.” Connie sped up. “I need to tell you something.”

“I don’t care what you have to say. Julian and I have moved forward, and I don’t want to rehash the past.”

“I don’t either.” Connie looked down at her feet. “Well, except to say that I realize now that what I did that night at Sapphire was stupid, hurtful, and totally ridiculous.”

“You think?”

“I’m sorry.”

“Is that what you wanted to tell me?”

Kayla had always been a forgiving person, but when she saw Connie all she could think about was walking in on her and Julian in a compromising position. The man she was developing a relationship with and learning to trust with a lifestyle she knew nothing about, and her best friend. She knew now that Connie had initiated the whole thing and had set Kayla up to walk in on them. It still hurt.

“I’ve wanted to apologize for a while, and I understand if you can’t accept it. I’m moving on with my life. I like it here at Master M’s. He’s found someone for me to train with and I like where it’s headed.”

“I’m happy to hear that.”

“I’m learning and understanding the lifestyle. I should never have thrown myself at Julian that way. I had no idea what a Dominant and submissive life actually entailed. Master M is helping me understand the full impact of it all. It’s fascinating.”

“He is kind of fascinating.”

“You mean terrifying?”

“Well, that too.” Kayla laughed. “I don’t know if I could ever be your friend again, but I appreciate you apologizing. I can accept it.”

“Thank you.” Connie brought her finger to her mouth and chewed on her thumbnail. “I want to tell you something, but I don’t want you to think I’m causing trouble.”

“If I don’t need to know, then you don’t have to say anything.”

“I think you should know.”

“If you feel that strongly about it, just tell me.”

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