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Chapter 7


“What. The. Fuck?” I punctuate, looking between THE Waylon Dirks and a girl that looks exactly like me. Well, if I was the church-going, sweet summer dresses girl my “parents” prayed to god I would be.

“Language!” my mother hisses. “See why we had to give her away? They need to take her. She’s possessed. Just look at all those tattoos, piercings, that pink hair, and all the black chained clothes!”

“She’s absolutely perfect,” Waylon says, still staring at me in disbelief.

“Seems like good old mom gave up the wrong twin, huh, dad?” the girl with Waylon jokes. Waylon takes his eyes off me for a split second to look at my apparent twin.

“Never, you are perfect as you are, my sweet girl. Your fucking mother should have never been able to give either of you up without telling me,” he growls, turning back to me. I step toward him, still not really knowing what’s going on.

“Grab her!” my father yells as he and the guy in all white grab each of my arms.

I try to break free, but they drag me toward the van. They barely make it three steps before my arms are free, and I turn to see Joey beating the shit out of the man in all white, and Waylon fucking Dirks is beating the fuck out of my father… well, who I thought was my father.

“You will never fucking touch her again, or I swear to god I will take you up in my private jet and throw your ass out somewhere over the Pacific. They will never find you,” Waylon growls before letting go of my father’s shirt and letting him fall back to the ground. Joey doesn’t even bother speaking. He beats the shit out of the man until he’s knocked out cold. Then he comes back my way.

“I’m calling the cops,” my mother screams.

“Wouldn’t be the first time I got arrested,” Joey says, coming back over to my side and holding me. I’m barely shaking, but still, he calms me.

“Self-defense. You won’t be arrested with me around,” Waylon says, walking up to us. I have so many questions I want to ask, but my mother is running around screeching and making a big fuss. I just want to get out of here.

“Lexi, my name is Waylon Dirks,” he starts, but I guffaw at that. He gives me a low chuckle and smile. “Yeah, okay, most people know who I am but what most people don’t know, myself included until today, is that I am your father.”

“Yeah, I kind of got that from the screaming. Also, from the white princess over there,” I tell him, smiling.

“I see you got my smartass mouth. Thank fuck because all I get from this one,” he says, pointing to my twin, “Is scolding looks and disapproval.” We both laugh as my twin huffs, crossing her arms at the both of us before she too breaks out into a giggle.

“I’m Livi, by the way. Could we go grab something to eat? We have a lot to talk about, and dad wouldn’t stop for food on the way here. The minute he heard you were given away, we hopped on the plane and headed straight here. No stops,” my twin, Livi says.

“Umm… yeah, I could most definitely eat. If it’s okay, my boyfriend can come, too? If he can’t, then I’m sorry, but I won’t be coming,” I tell them. I want them both to know that we are a package deal. If they don’t accept him, they don’t accept me.

“Of course he can. Want to ride together in the limo, or we could follow you guys in the truck?” Waylon asks.

“Could you follow us? No offense, but I don’t want to come back here. Ever,” I say, walking up to the house. I still need to grab my guitar.

“Do you need help packing anything?” Livi asks, walking beside me.

“Ah, sure,” I say, enjoying the thought of having a sister, but also still a little freaked the fuck out that I have not only a sister but a twin.

“Go ahead, babe. I’ll stay out here and make sure these fuckers don’t go anywhere,” Joey says, looking between the two men still on the ground, knocked out cold.

“I’ll stay with him. Call if you need us to carry anything,” Waylon says as we walk through the door of my childhood home, hopefully for the last time. If I have it my way, I’ll never have to set foot within ten feet of here again.

“So, twins, huh?” I ask Livi, and we both burst out laughing.

“Yeah, actually, we were just as shocked as you. We’ve had about six hours of car and plane rides to let it sink in,” Livi tells me. She’s looking at me the same way I’m looking at her, though. Like we can’t believe it. Like we are looking in a mirror, except one side shows a dark fallen angel, and the other is all light and happy. Yeah, this is going to take some getting used to.

“How did you guys find me?” I ask Livi as I pull down a duffle bag from my closet, and we start shoving clothes into it.

“Actually, it was our biological mom. She died yesterday, but her boyfriend at the time told us she left a letter for dad. At first, dad almost threw it away. They didn’t end on good terms. She cheated and left him for multiple guys in his band,” she says, gagging a bit. “Anyway, something in the letter had me convincing dad to hear her out. She wrote that while she told my dad it was only me she’d given birth to the day she dropped me off on his doorstep, she didn’t want to be a mother, but the truth was she wanted to keep you. She said she tried for a few months to be a mom but realized she hated everything about being a mother and that life. Since Dad had no clue you even existed, she dropped you off at a church. She wrote the name of the church in the letter, and it didn’t take dad and his team long to find you. He had to come to see if you had a good life. After talking to the people in the church and seeing how it was more of a cult, dad said he couldn’t leave you here, so we came to find you.”

“Should have left you on that damn church stoop where we found you, but no, your father wanted a little girl since I couldn’t have kids. I hated you from the start, but it took your father years to realize the demon he brought into this house. When you started listening and dressing that way, he realized his mistake,” my mother hisses from the doorway of my room. She’s holding a knife and looks absolutely insane.

“Livi, get behind me, now,” I tell my sister, knowing I just found her; I can’t bear to lose her.
